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Before you go Hiking

Rules to play Hiking


Before you go Hiking

Know your own Physical, Mental and Technical Abilities and your Restrictions. Adjust your plans accordingly. In this way, you can prevent problems that might cause personal injuries or injuries to others.Make sure you are wellinformed about the trails you will take, the Hiking Terrain Conditions as well as Hiking Weather Conditions. Have a detailed and up to date Hiking Map with you. Check with local authorities for last minute updates and firsthand information.
Make sure to be wellequipped for your intended hike and Terrain Weather conditions. Take enough food and drinks for your intended hike. You may also bring more if you want.Inform people of your itinerary and your expected time of return. If possible, call those who are not joining you at regular intervals so they know where you are.Avoid hiking alone. Hike in a Group consisting of at least two fellow hikers. In case of an accident, one person will then be able to stay with the injured while the other goes for help.


For emergencies
During the Hike
Dont overexert yourself
With knowledge and gear
Bring plenty of water along
To leave your plans
While Hiking
Leave local plants and animals alone
Know how to start a fire
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