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How to move

Rules to play Checkers


How to move

A player can move in two ways. A piece can be moved forward, diagonally, to the very next dark square. In some variants, if one players piece, the other players piece, and an empty square are lined up, then the first player must jump the other players piece. In this case, the first player jumps over the other players piece onto the empty square and takes the other players piece off the board. However, this is an uncommon ruleset not commonly observed in the Americas. A player can also use one piece to make multiple jumps in any one single turn, provided each jump continues to lead immediately into the next jump and in a straight line. Sometimes a player may have the option or a choice of which opponent piece he must jump. In such cases, he may then choose which to jump. If you keep your hand on any piece when youre moving, you have the choice to put it back and move another piece.


Keep a full back row for as long as you can
Dont forget to block
Conduct of Players
Sit across from your opponent
King your pieces
Set up the board
Watch an expert
Keep practicing
Focus on the kings
Time Limits
Conduct of Spectators
The Board
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