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Flipped Cinnamon Bun Updo

New Hairstyles For Girls


Flipped Cinnamon Bun Updo

I know that a lot of people are looking to try a new look in updos for the holiday season. I believe that the easier, the better, most of the time. This is another very quick and easy hairstyle that takes only a minimum of practice to achieve an optimal look. It s surprisingly impressive from behind, and shows quite nicely from the front. It s something like a French Twist with a large loop on the top and can make quite a bold statement if done correctly.
The Instructions
Gather hair as if into a ponytail.
Loop ponytail around two fingers on left hand. (all of this will be opposite if your are left handed.)
Twist the loop that you have created in a counter clockwise direction.
Continue twisting loop until you run out of hair to twist.
When you ve run out of hair to twist, tuck the ends into the French Twist like portion of the hair and secure near the top of the twist and under the loop with a barrette or hair clip. In this example, I am using a medium Ficcare Maximas in Blue Jeans.
Fan out loop, and leave it free, as I have done, or pin the loop in place to achieve your own desired look. You may want to pin some parts of the loop up and some in other directions for a different effect.


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