Myth about Aging
It represents the accumulation of changes in a person over time.
21. Aging skin shouldn t break out
Our skin is often the best indicator of what s going on internally If we are stressed, it s going to show on the skin whether it pops up as a breakout or in some other way We often refer to teenage breakouts as a result of changing hormones Aging skin is the same
22. Mineral oil will make the skin break out
This isn t true
23. Aging is all downhill
Young and old are compared and where there are differences, we assume there is decrement Aging people today ? all of us ? anticipate decline There is nothing wrong with studying problems of old age Compelling evidence suggests that we will experience declines in physical and sensory functioning (hearing, vision, taste), as well as cognitive abilities (perceptual speed, memory, verbal fluency) Those are obviously decremental changes believe that there is considerable growth that occurs with age and we social scientists overlook it too frequently We overlook the gains because we are so focused on loss .
24. Aging is gender blind
On the contrary, age is presumed to be the great equalizer ? men and women, rich and poor, regardless of background, escape old age only through premature death It is true that both women and men suffer the biological deterioration that advanced age brings, and both males and females face ageist stereotypes and misconceptions Both males and females experience loss with age However, gender remains a central feature of aging The world of the very old is primarily a world of women On average, women live 7 years longer than men At 65, women outnumber men by 100 to 83; by 85, women outnumber men by 100 to 39 The over 85 age segment is the fastest growing segment of the population .
25. They re Caused By Aging spots
Age spots are a direct result of the sun s ultraviolet rays, which penetrate year round These rays cause a chemical reaction in your skin s melanin, which is the substance that gives you your skin tone, eye color, and hair color Being out in the sun darkens the skin s pigment, giving you that tanned look As new skin cells make their way to the surface, the tan fades Unfortunately, as you age, your cell turnover rate isn t as quick as it was in your 20s, resulting in these age spots that don t fade with the rest of your tan
26. Age Spots are Inevitable
A regular application of a broad spectrum sunscreen any time you are outside can protect you from dealing with discoloration and age spots later on in life
27. Age Spots are Permanent
The easiest and most popular treatments for age spots are creams and serums that contain skin lightening agents, such as vitamin C, retinol, and hydroquinone It is recommended that you do a test patch to ensure your skin agrees with the product This option is quite convenient and available over the counter; however, results can take up to four to six weeks
28. You ll Stop Learning
This couldn t be farther from the truth Just because we may be finished with schooling doesn t mean our brains are finished with learning At Heritage Shores, residents have all types of opportunities to learn a new skill or practice a hobby With a wood working room, an arts and crafts room, and a library, there is so much to be explored
29. Getting Older Means Feeling Older
Age is just a number, and just because that number creeps up year after year doesn t mean we re going to feel older with each increase The mindset that you ll feel older with each passing day will do more harm than good, so live every day fully and enjoy your health
30. As You Grow Older You Grow Unhappy
Many find their adult years to be some of the best of their lives And at Heritage Shores, how could they not be?And there you have it, growing older isn t bad at all
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