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Safety Issues

Healthy Ear


Safety Issues

Always wear a helmet when you bike, ski, and roller blade or in any other activity that puts you at risk for head and ear injuries.If you scuba dive, learn and practice proper underwater techniques to avoid potentially damaging changes in pressure inside your ears.When flying in an airplane, swallow and yawn frequently when the plane is ascending and descending to equalize pressure in your ears. If you have an upper respiratory problem such as a cold or sinus infection, take a decongestant a few hours before descending, or use a decongestant spray just prior to descent and on landing.Earplugs with special filters can be purchased to help equalize air pressure in ears during air travel.


Treating an Ear Infection
Dont put cotton swabs into your ear canals
ear wax
Swimmers Ear
Diseases and hearing loss
Dont smoke
Taking Care of Pierced Ears
Teach proper nose blowing technique
Ears Hot and Cold
Watch the volume when using earbuds or headphones
Illness and Medications
Ear Infections
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