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Your intellect and your social life

Harivanshrai Bachchan


Your intellect and your social life

You are the very type of the researcher endowed with great intellectual and imaginative capacities, Harivansh Rai Bachchan, and your curiosity is very deep. Researches, riddles and mysteries appeal to you and with a remarkable sixth sense and intuition, you endlessly try to unearth the truth, in all areas, like a psychoanalyst or a detective. You are a very secretive and introverted person, you find it difficult to open up and you rather prefer psychoanalysis. In spite of your clear sightedness, you find it hard to deal with people your critical mind, tinted with irony and causticity, may be destructive, especially since your determination and your stubbornness do not incline you to giving up. You are fond of provocations and you handle contradictions skilfully even though you may come across as dishonest.


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Your intellect and your social life
Your sensitivity
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