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Greatest Female In Video Game History



BUT PEACH IS A DAMSEL RAAAWWWR We can hear you angrily yelling now. But seriously, calm down. The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom has proved to be just as capable a heroine as Mario and (to a much lesser extent) Luigi are heroes. Check out Super Princess Peach on DS if you havent yet. And sorry for the dig, Luigi, but we call em like we seem em.


Aya Brea
Alicia Claus Bullet Witch 2007
Carla Valenti Indigo Prophecy 2005
Bonnie MacFarlane
Ellen Folklore 2007
Curly Brace
Chris Lightfellow
Coco Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot 1997 to 2010
Samus Aran Metroid 1986 to 2010
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