Forever Young Naturally Beauty
41. Organic Beauty Detox the bathroom cabinet
First ditch anything in an aerosol, which pumps unhealthy solvents into the respiratory system. Then dump items packaged in plastic: unstable gender-bending chemicals in the plastic mix may leach into oily products. Favor glass bottles instead. Get rid of talc: studies link frequent genital dusting with a raised risk of ovarian cancer.
42. Organic Beauty Rinse off toxins
Over decades of daily use you risk absorbing a cocktail of chemicals into your skin when they are smoothed over large areas of skin without rinsing off afterward. If you opt for only a few beauty products, prioritize organic moisturizers, body lotions, and sunscreens.
43. Organic Beauty Hidden horrors
Labels on cosmetics and beauty-care products are notoriously difficult to decipher, requiring knowledge of Latin and biochemistry. And not everything has to be listed on the pack: fragrance ingredients (where some of the more dubious chemicals are hidden) don’t have to be specified. To cut through the jargon, choose only certified organic brands.
44. Organic Beauty Top 10 ingredients to avoid
Some ingredients are more undesirable than other try to avoid the following: Petroleum-based substances - these are drying for the skin and polluting for the atmosphere. Formaldehyde - this irritates the skin and is cancer-inducing. Parfum/fragrance - this is a catch-all term for around 100 synthetic ingredients thought to trigger one third of cosmetic allergies; they don’t have to appear on the label. SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) - this is a harsh detergent that can cause skin and eye irritation and exacerbate dry skin. Phthalates - these hormonedisrupting substances were detected by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the body of every person tested. Parabens - these estrogenmimicking preservatives are found in almost all mass-market cosmetics; they are known to accumulate in the body. DEA-, MEA, TEA prefixes - these can irritate scalp and eyes; they may also react with impurities and preservatives to create carcinogenic substances. PEG - these can irritate the scalp.
45. Organic Beauty Choosing lipstick
Make organic lipstick high on your must-have list. Because most lipsticks are packed full of preservatives to prevent infection near the mouth, each of us consumes an average 5½ lb (2.5 kg) in a lifetime. Skin on the lips is thinner and more sensitive to damage than other parts of the body, and so more vulnerable to uptake of toxins.
46. Superstar Ingredients
Many of the youth-enhancing nutrients, herbs, and oils that play a major role in off-the-shelf natural beauty preparations are already in your vegetable rack, refrigerator, or pantry, making it easy to create effective (and cost-effective) antiaging treatments at home.
47. Superstar Ingredients Your antiaging oil kit
These essential oils are for use diluted in a base or carrier oil for massage, baths, and conditioning treatments. Frankincense is great for toning, lifting, and antiwrinkle effects. It also helps to deepen breathing and enhance meditation. Lavender helps promote new cell growth. Camomile soothes dry, sensitive skin and helps reduce puffiness and broken capillaries; it also promotes elasticity and strength. Cypress combats puffiness caused by fluid retention. Neroli is good for broken veins, skin regeneration, and elasticity. Sandalwood soothes itchy skin and rebalances mature skins.
48. Superstar Ingredients Invest in the best
Although costly, essential oil of rose is one of the most effective oils for soothing thinning, sensitive skin, especially after menopause. Rose oil also has an effect on the emotions— aromatherapists value it for lifting mood, releasing nervous tension, and making a woman feel more positively feminine. Beware cheaper brands, which may be adulterated.
49. Superstar Ingredients Intensive care oil
Quick-penetrating rosehip oil is rich in omega fatty acids that promote skin elasticity and resilience. It is renowned for rejuvenating and repairing prematurely aged, sun-damaged, inflamed, or scarred skin.
50. Superstar Ingredients Mummify yourself
Essential oil of myrrh has a long history of use as a skin preservative, being popular in mummification! It is used by aromatherapists to prevent tissue degeneration and tone the immune system. It helps lift feelings of weakness and is cooling for those who are overheating physically or emotionally. Burn in a room vaporizer and mix into bath and massage oils.
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