Natural gas
Economy of India

Natural gas
As per the Oil and Gas Journal, India had 38 trillion cubic feet 1.1?1012 m3 of confirmed natural gas reserves as of January 2007. A huge mass of India s natural gas production comes from the western offshore regions, particularly the Mumbai High complex. The onshore fields in Assam, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat states are also major producers of natural gas. As per EIA data, India produced 996 billion cubic feet 2.82?1010 m3 of natural gas in 2004.
India imports small amounts of natural gas. In 2004, India consumed about 1,089?109 cu ft 3.08?1010 m3 of natural gas, the first year in which the country showed net natural gas imports. During 2004, India imported 93?109 cu ft 2.6?109 m3 of liquefied natural gas LNG from Qatar.

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