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Shark attack

Dangerous Situations And How To Escape


Shark attack

Remain calm at the first sign of a shark. If the shark hasnt started attacking yet, then you need to get out of the water as quickly and calmly as possible. If you are near your boat, stay still and call loudly (yet calmly) for your friends in the boat to come get you. If you are near the shore, swim smoothly and quickly, avoiding splashing if possible. If the shark has begun his attack, typically you wont be able to outswim an aggressive shark, so be prepared to fight. Aim for the sharks eyes, gills or snout (his only vulnerable areas) with your fists, elbows, knees and feet punching, clawing and kicking with all your might. Repeatedly jab, kick and claw at these areas with hard blows. If the shark sees you as a threat, he may retreat. If he does, immediately get out of the water and seek medical attention, even if your wounds seem to be superficial.


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