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The Speed of Light

Crazy Facts About The Universe


The Speed of Light

Going back to the bus example. If you were to shoot an arrow out the window at a target down the road in front of you how fast would it be moving when it hit hit the bullseye? Well, essentially it would be going the speed of the bus about 60 km per hour plus however fast you shot the arrow. Now what if you shined a beam of light at it? Since the light travels at 186,000 miles per second, we would just add the 60 km per hour right? Wrong. Scientist found that no matter what, light travels the same speed. Which brings us to our next point.


The Universe s Growth Spurt Is Accelerating
Lunar Drift
There Are at Least 10 Billion Trillion Stars in the Universe
Venus s day is longer than its year
Light Does not Always Travel Very Fast
The Universe Is Filled With Invisible Stuff
The Ponzo Illusion
Galileo s Theory of Spacial Relativity
The Universal Speed Limit
The Big Dipper is not a constellation
Quasar I hardly know her
There May Be More Universes
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