Most Of The Universe Appears To Be Missing
Crazy Facts About The Universe
Most Of The Universe Appears To Be Missing
So, lets take stock of where we are here. We have ascertained that the universe is pretty astounding when considered at a vast scale. We have established that the universe consists of atoms. We have also worked out that atoms contain space mostly and a very tiny amount of matter. Leaving aside the worrying fact that we are made of atoms, how much matter is there in the universe? According to the Planck mission team, and based on the standard model of cosmology, ordinary matter accounts for a staggeringly minuscule 4.9% of the total. The rest is 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy. Im going to obstinately ignore the dark energy, because thats clearly the equivalent of nothing its not matter in any case. Can dark matter give a bit of substance to our existences?