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The As If Principle

Boost Self Confidence


The As If Principle

acting as if you're confident to become more confident.

Assume a virtue if you have it not. - William Shakespeare

When you speak and act confidently – even if it's all a pretence – you feel more confident. Others assume you're confident and treat you accordingly, which reinforces your behaviour and makes you feel even more confident.

The opposite is also true. If you speak and act timidly, others assume you are timid and treat you as such, which reinforces your timidity.

The 'As If 'Principle simply states that when you act as if you are confident, no matter how uncomfortable you feel inside, you become confident. Your feelings soon adapt to the new behaviour and, if you persevere, confidence blooms.

Be somebody. If you have lost confidence in yourself, make believe you are somebody else, somebody with brains, and act like him. - Sol Hess


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