benefits of victoria plum

Benefits of Victoria Plum

41. Helps to replace damaged tissue
It also helps to replace damaged tissue and helps to heal the wounds at faster pace. It improves skin elasticity and creates scar tissue and ligaments for quick recovery. one of the good nutritional benefits of plums is that it helps in digestion of food as it is enriched with dietary fiber.
42. Face lightens dark spots
Applying Victoria plum on the face lightens dark spots and treats skin discoloration, freckles and age spots to give you a younger looking and healthy skin. These fruits also contain Sorbitol and Isatin. Together all these compounds regulate the digestive system so that your body gets the ability to eat different foods. This helps against constipation.
43. Get rid of dandruff
Vitamin C in plum can also help you to get rid of dandruff. The hair follicles often get clogged due to dandruff and flaky skin. This damages the follicles and inhabits the hair growth if not treated in time. Plum can help to fight the bacteria on the scalp and soothes the skin to ward off the dandruff. This will get rid of the follicles debris and encourage new hair growth.
44. Help to reverse Adrenal gland fatigue
Victoria plum can also help to reverse Adrenal gland fatigue. This is very crucial for stopping hair loss and encourages more hair growth since adrenal glands are very important for maintaining proper hormonal imbalance.
45. Side effects of Plum
Victoria plum contain oxalic acid, a naturally occurring substance which can crystallise as oxalate stones in urinary tract if eaten in high amounts. Therefore, people who have oxalate stones in urinary tract should avoid eating plums.
46. Inflammation and free radicals
Vitamin C in Victoria plum helps the body to develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation and free radicals. plums that make the fruit red color. It is also present in strawberries and other red colored berries. That is why plums have properties to prevent cell damaging.
47. Cholesterol oxidation
Victoria plum also helps in maintaining the heart health. It contains antioxidants that help to get rid of the free radicals and prevent cholesterol oxidation. Cholesterol oxidation is a threat to healthy blood vessel which may eventually lead to a number of heart diseases such as heart stroke and high cholesterol.
48. Controlling heart rate and blood pressure
It contains potassium which is an important component of cell and body fluids that help in controlling heart rate and blood pressure. It also prevents platelet clotting which may result in disease like Arthrosclerosis, high blood pressure, stroke and coronary heart disease. It also maintains a level of healthy blood pressure. Fibre in plums helps to lower cholesterol levels. Plums also contain vitamin B6 which prevents homocysteine levels and reduces the possibility of heart attack.
49. Effective natural laxative
Victoria plum are known to be effective natural laxative and can help to maintain regular bowel habits. It also maintains a level of healthy blood pressure. Fibre in plums helps to lower cholesterol levels. Plums also contain vitamin B6 which prev
50. Vitamins and minerals
The dried Victoria plum also contain essential vitamins and minerals. It gives you the overall intake of the daily consuming percentage of dietary fiber with many vitamins, minerals and phenolic compounds. The fresh plums contain a hard stone type inedible seed and it is surrounded by the sweet juicy pulp which may be yellow, crimson, light blue or light green color and with a wonderful taste. Lets know about the nutritional benefits of plums.