Benefits of Ugli fruits
31. Purchasing Tips for Buying Ugli Fruit
Here are a few tips for buying Ugli Fruit that may help you get the freshest ingredients. Well also include a few storing tips for Ugli Fruit that you might find helpful. As mentioned above, ugli fruit later in its season are generally sweeter. When at its peak ripeness most of its green blemishes turn orange. The ugli fruit should feel heavy with no signs of drying at the ends; but as the ugli fruit is commonly thick skinned, the thicker skin may not indicate it having a lot of skin and pulp and not much juice (unlike other citrus). Ugli fruit should give with slight pressure, similar to a grapefruit. Color is not important when selecting ugli fruit, and potmarks and small dents are normal. As it is an exotic tangello, storing recommendations are similar to tangerines, meaning they should be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator, and eaten or juiced within a week of buying them.
32. Vitamins and Minerals in Ugli Fruit
Ugli tangelos, like most other citrus fruit, are probably best known for being loaded with Vitamin C and when eaten, its high fiber content. One ugli fruit can contribute up to 70% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C. Falling under the category of calming foods the ugli fruit have much to offer in the way of healthy nutrients. In addition to its high vitamin C content, the ugli contains similar nutrients toother citrus fruits with an important difference interestingly, furanocoumarins which are generally found in grapefruit (and which many doctors believe may interfere with some medications) do not appear in the ugli. Also,the ugli fruitappears to be more palatable for people who have an aversion to oranges.
33. Promotes Gum Health
Ugli fruit is a type of citrus fruit. Hence, it is rich in vitamin C which improves gum health. In fact, a single serving of this fruit (that is half the fruit) provides almost 70% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C is essential for collagen formation which in turn promotes gum healing. In addition to this, it prevents and heals issues like bleeding gums and gingivitis.
34. Boosts Immunity
Again, being high in vitamin C, regular consumption of Ugli fruit strengthens your immunity and fights off infections. It has strong antioxidant properties due to flavonoids quercetin and rutin. They fight free radicals and prevent cancer and other chronic diseases. Moreover, this fruit also contains calcium and folic acid.
35. Fights Cardiovascular Disease
This nutritious fruit lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and stroke. It also helps control your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It contains pectin which is a soluble fiber that forms a gellike substance in the intestinal tract which in turn helps trap fats like cholesterol and reduces the buildup of arterial deposits.
36. Improves Gastrointestinal Health
Being rich in fiber, ugli fruit is good for your gastrointestinal health. It contains about 2 grams of dietary fiber. Adequate fiber in your diet ensures proper digestion and reduces the chances of developing constipation. In addition to this, it is useful in treating stomach acidity. When combined with an equal amount of lemon juice and a little honey, it helps relive fatigue too.
37. Usefull protecting
Ugli fruit is believed to be useful in protecting against the formation of kidney stones because it contains citric acid which is considered helpful in preventing certain types of kidney stones. It contains only 45 calories which makes it ideal for consumption by people who are conscious of putting on weight.
38. Helps Lower Blood Pressure
Ugli fruit is a good source of potassium and is low in sodium. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure levels. Furthermore, this fatfree and cholesterolfree fruit is low in calories and has a low glycemic index. Plus, it has antiallergic properties.
39. Provides Excellent Skin Care
Apart from eating this fruit, you can also mash its pulp and add in your homemade skin care recipes. Application of ugli fruit on skin promotes clear skin, free from blemishes. It also helps lighten your complexion. It treats inflammatory skin conditions as well.
40. Tips for purchasing and storing Ugli fruit
Select the fruits that are heavy for their size. Smaller fruits are likely to have a better flavor than the larger ones. Do not buy fruits with bruises or brown spots. You can store the fruit at room temperature for up to five days. When stored in the refrigerator, it shall stay good for a couple of weeks.
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