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Vitamin B6

Benefits of Pineapple


Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, found in pineapple juice also affects your health. Pyridoxine helps your brain produce chemicals involved in nerve communication and also helps your brain produce melatonin, a hormone that maintains your bodys internal clock. It promotes healthy circulation and helps your body make sex hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone. Canned and fresh pineapple juice contain roughly the same amount of vitamin B6 approximately 10 percent of your recommended daily intake per 4ounce serving.


Prevents Cough and Colds
Menstrual disorder relief
Tips Before Drinking Pineapple Juice
Softens and Strengthens the Nails
Antiinflammatory Action
Strong Bones
Relieves Nausea
Better skin
Blood pressure
Pineapple recipes abound
Pineapples in Hawaii
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