benefits of cinnamon

Benefits of Cinnamon

1. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is the bark of one of a group of trees belonging to the same family. Many related species are marketed as cinnamon. True cinnamon is from Sri Lanka and is more delicate tasting than what is commonly sold as cinnamon in the United States, which is also called cassia or Chinese cinnamon.
2. Description
Cinnamon is the brown bark of the cinnamon tree, which when dried, rolls into a tubular form known as a quill. Cinnamon is available in either its whole quill form (cinnamon sticks) or as ground powder.
3. Blood Sugar Control
Cinnamon has properties that help those with insulin resistance. It is therefore very popular with Type 2 diabetics who take it to control their blood sugar variations. In another study Ceylon Cinnamon was found to have an effect on blood sugar control in a rat model. If you are taking Ceylon Cinnamon for diabetes, take it in moderation as part of a healthy program of diet, proper nutrition and moderate exercise.
4. Candida Yeast Infections
Cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medicationresistant yeast infections. This applies to Escherichia coli bacteria and Candida albicans fungus. This study discovered that Cinnamon Oil was one of three leading essential oils effective against Candida.
5. Stomach Bug and Flu
Cinnamon is a powerful antibacterial. Research has shown Cinnamon is one of the most effective substances against (click the links for the research)Escherichia coli,Salmonella.,Campylobacter.
6. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
As a digestive cinnamon dramatically reduces the uncomfortable feelings associated with IBS especially the bloating. It does this by killing bacteria and healing infections in the GI tract and enabling the gastric juices to work normally.
7. Cancer Preventer
Cinnamon oil is a promising solution in the treatment of Tumors, Gastric Cancers and Melanomas. Research studies show that sugar maybe causing or sustaining cancer cells and cinnamon may have a mitigating effect by controlling blood sugar levels in the body.
8. Arthritis or Osteoporosis
Cinnamon helps arthritis is from personal testimonials. Some people claim drinking Cinnamon tea helps the pain from arthritis while others claim a Cinnamon Oil based massage oil helps ease the pain.
9. AntiBacterial or Anti Microbial
Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Oil is a powerful antibacterial and makes a great natural disinfectant. Cinnamon oil had the best anti microbial activity among three oils against Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus aureus , Aspergillus oryzae , and Penicillium digitatum according to this abstract..
10. Food Preservative
Cinnamon is effective in inhibiting bacterial growth. This maybe one reason why it is widely used in food preparation in hot Asian countries. In Sri Lanka, virtually every dish has a pinch of Cinnamon in it. In addition to great flavor, Ceylon Cinnamon in combination with other spices like Turmeric and Chili may have been an indigenous solution to preserve food without a refrigerator.