Benefits of Cantaloupe
61. Buying Tip
Choose cantaloupe by their color and firmness of their rind, and by fragrance. Look also for those that are heavy for their size, which means it contains lots of juice. Ripe cantaloupes should have a yellow color on the skin between the webbing. Avoid any fruits with bruised or soft spots.
62. Storage Tip
Unripe fruits can be stored on the kitchen counter to ripen; once ripe, they should be kept in the refrigerator. Cantaloupe doesn
63. Benefits of Minerals
Iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium are all minerals that are found in cantaloupe seeds and needed by the body for healthy functioning. Phosphorus contributes to healthy bones and teeth and is also needed to maximize the benefits of calcium in the body.
64. Health risks
cantaloupe can carry harmful bacteria, including salmonella, and therefore should always be thoroughly washed before being prepared for consumption. Cantaloupes range in color from orangeyellow to salmon and have a soft and juicy texture with a sweet, musky aroma that emanates through the melon when it is ripe.
65. Cantaloupe Juice Nutrition
Cantaloupes are considered the most nutritious of all fruit. One averagesized cantaloupe contains approximately 100 calories, yet is dense in nutrients. Cantaloupes are packed with vitamins A and C. Per pound, this fruit has 15,000 I.U. of vitamin A and three times the vitamin C content of apples. And theyre also a good source of potassium, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B3 (niacin), folate, and fiber when eaten.
66. Phytochemicals & Antioxidants in Cantaloupe Juice
The secret to the cantaloupes antioxidant ability is its high vitamin C and betacarotene content, inflicting a deadly onetwo punch to cancer. Betacarotene is a fatsoluble antioxidant, and vitamin C protects the watersoluble areas of the body. Together, both provide full protection from damaging oxygen free radicals to all parts of the body.
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