Benefits of Avocado
81. Prostate cancer
Studies have shown that certain unique phytonutrient substances in avocados have been known to help prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells and may even help repair the damaged cells.
82. Selection and storage
Avoid very hard fruits as they may take quite some time to fully ripe. On the other hand, avoid buying excessively soft ripe fruits as they tend to be
83. Preparation and Serving methods
Avocado has delicate nutty flavor and butter like in taste. To eat; cut the fruit lengthwise at its center all the way around the seed. Then rotate or twist the two halves in opposite directions and gently pull apart. Remove the seed using a spoon. Gently peel the skin with your fingers starting from the stem end. Cut the pulp into desired cubes.
84. Avocado leaves
Avocado leaves have antibacterial characteristic which can inhibit the growth of several bacteria species, which are Staphylococcus sp, Pseudomonas sp, Proteus sp, Escherichea sp, and Bacillus sp. Avocado leaves had been used for long time to cure urinary stone disease, hypertension, lumbago (lower back pain), headache, toothache, and irregular menstruation period.
85. vocado Leaf Tea
Avocado Leaf Tea offers a number of benefits for men and women of all ages. A true miracle of nature, it can help in conditions ranging the gamut from insomnia to impotency to help you live a better life. Avocado Leaf Tea offers drinkers the benefit of a plentiful supply of vitamins and minerals essential for good health. It can aid people who are suffering from a variety of ailments such as insomnia, nervousness and general uneasiness, constipation, upset stomach, and it provides relief for people suffering from ulcers.
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