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Save Water



Bathroom use accounts for about 75 percent of the water used inside the home.Check regularly for any leaks in your toilet, faucets and water hose bibs and fix them. Water saved up to 200 gallons per day. Install a low flow showerhead. Water saved about 2 gallons per minute.Replace older, larger use toilets with the newer higher efficiency toilets. Water saved5 to 5 gallons per flush.Take short showers and save the baths for special occasions. Water saved 2 to 5 gallons per minute.


Time water usage
Replace your clothes washing machine with a high efficiency washer
Use your garbage disposal sparingly
Plant appropriately
Wash full laundry or dish loads
Cover your swimming pool
Around the house
Maintain your sprinklers and irrigation
Care for your lawn in a more water efficient manner
Dont wash the driveway or sidewalk with a hose
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