most craziest facts

Most Craziest Facts

61. Extraordinary Science Benjamin Button Jellyfish
We have already seen a Benjamin Button onscreen. This Benjamin Button is a little different, this is a Jellyfish. The Turriptosis Jellyfish is one amazing of a kind. The jellyfish has an ability to age in reverse. The jellyfish will age to maturity, where it will go through a process called “transdifferentiation” and will start reversing, growing younger until it reaches its earliest stage of development, then start its life cycle all over again. Amazing yet true.
62. Extraordinary Science Human Tails
A company called Taily has developed a small imitation of tails for humans. The concept is quite simple, Taily is a heart rate monitor belt with a small tail attached at its end. So as soon as the heart rate spikes, believe it or not the tail starts to wag.
63. Extraordinary Science Eye Screens
Ghent University of Belgium has developed a new contact lens that is actually a curved LCD display! The lenses will be able to display anything that you normally see on LCD screens, like smartphone messages, directions, movies, etc. These lenses are developed by the Centre for Microsystems Technology at the University.
64. Extraordinary Science World s First Hybrid Tank
Ever thought of a fuel efficient Tank, think of the Ground Combat Vehicle, desgined by BAE Systems. This 84-ton GCV will be heavier than the battle tanks which the army currently uses. BAE says the hybrid system will trim fuel and maintenance costs so much that costs over the life of the tank will be lower. Believe it or not the GCV can reach upto speeds of 20mph while carrying 12 people.
65. Extraordinary Science Human vs Robot
Ever wondered of playing Rock-paper-scissor against a robot. Ishikawa Oku Laboratory at the University of Tokyo has been able to create a robot that will accurately predict and consistently beat humans at rock, paper, scissors – 100% of the time! Armed with a high speed vision camera, the image relays to the robot and unfailing tracks your hand movement and beats you every time. No doubt the robot is cheating, but its more than just a toy.
66. Extraordinary Science Paper Airplane
Yet another remakarkable story at the Prima Air and Space Museum, which made history by by flying the largest paper airplane ever built. Weighing in at a hefty 800-pounds and spanning the length of almost 5 car lengths (45 feet) “Arturo's Desert Eagle” was named after the 12-year-old who recently won a paper airplane competition. When the plane took flight for 6 seconds it was at 98 mph and at 2,700 feet before it landed on earth.
67. Extraordinary Science Robot Waiters
The Hajime restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand has made headlines worldwide as the food joint with robot waiters! The machines are made by Motoman Japan, and never wear down. At costing of about $1 Million the restaurant has seen incredible success with their samurai-dressed robots that move back and forth on tracks and serve customers dishes made by human cooks.
68. Extraordinary Science Pen in your stomach
According to British Journal, an unidentified 76-year-old woman had a pen stuck inside her stomach for the past 25 years. The pen was found on a CT scan when the patient came to the hospital complaining of weight loss and diarrhea. The woman had accidentally swallowed the pen and has remained there for two decades. Believe it or not!
69. Extraordinary Science UV Light to Heal Scratches
A special polymer has been developed at Case Western Reserve, that changes its structure when exposed to UV light. This polymer is made up of lots of tiny molecular chains that are held together with a glue of metallic ions.The metallic ions stop acting like a glue upon use of a UV light, and the chains separate into a liquid that fills in any cracks. Believe it or not, the process happens so fast that it will be good as new in about 30 seconds.
70. Extraordinary Science Glowing Dog
Believe it or not, but South Korean Scientists have achieved yet another remarkable feat, a glowing beagle. According to sources Tegon, the glowing, two-year-old beagle, glows fluorescent green under ultraviolet light when a particular drug is added to her food. By creating this marvel, it means South Koreans have added one more to their already long list of genetically modified dogs.