most craziest facts

Most Craziest Facts

41. Crazy Animals Doggie Service
Eddie is a black lab mix that ADORES his brother Milo. Without Milo, Eddie wouldn't be able to get around. Eddie started having issues with his sight and went blind about a year ago.Milo and Eddie have a very strong bond. Before Eddie went blind, he and Milo were the best of puppy friends, romping it up in the woods, playing fetch, chasing after toys, when Eddie went blind, Milo stepped up to the task of guiding Eddie without any training. Milo also wears a bell on his collar so Eddie can easily find him.
42. Crazy Animals Dolphin Lifeguards
Turbo is one lucky Doberman. He was stranded in a canal for over 15 hours before a pod of dolphins came to his rescue. Fell in a nerby canal, there was a loud commotion which turned out to be the dolphins who were assisting Turbo. A neighbor saw the whole incident and reported that without the dolphins, the dog wouldn't have survived.
43. Crazy Animals Christmas Island Red Crab
It is estimated over 120 million crabs live on Christmas Island, which is in the middle of the Indian Ocean, near Australia.In December the millions of crabs come out of hiding and they make their way toward the ocean for their annual migration. Not all crabs live near the ocean, which means millions have to travel through the town to get there. They cross roads, lawns, driveways, the jungle, down cliffs, and even cut through houses to get to the water!
44. Crazy Animals Wonder Pup
A pup, named “Xiao Sa” ('Little Sa') covered 1,138 miles and climbed 10 mountains higher than 13,000 feet on paw alongside a cycling crew. A student, Mr Heng, in Wuhan, Hubei province, had decided to cycle to Llasa, Tibet from Kangding in the Sichuan province as a graduation trip with friends when he met the lonely dog. The cycling crew had fed her when they found her on the roadside, in return the dog kept going till the end of the journey whereas some of the cyclists took the bus at later stages.
45. Crazy Animals Bird Buggy
Andrew Gray loves his parrot, Pepper. He consider Pepper to be one of the family. Like most family members, Pepper has his quirks. Andrew noticed that whenever Pepper was allowed to roam the house, he never spoke. But, that didn't mean his little bird pooper was shut off! To save his floors, Andrew came up with an ingenious idea. He constructed Bird Buggy, an open-loop, two wheel drive, tri-cycle platform powered by a 12v battery and controlled by a microcontroller.
46. Crazy Animals World s Biggest Bunny
Darius is one big bunny, wieghing about 49lbs and standing at a height of 4ft 3in from nose to tail, he is the biggest bunny. The rabbit is insured for $1.6 Million and and also has an agent. Believe it or not, he is just 2 years old.
47. Crazy Animals Skydiving Dog
A 10 year old pug, from California named Otis is one braveheart. His owner, Will DeSilva who initiated Otis into the sport as a puppy, has been skydiving for nine years. Together, they have had over 60 jumps! Otis sees the sport as an extreme version of sticking his head out a moving car's window. Otis is living his ultimate dream.
48. Crazy Animals Zack the Zebra
Ever heard a Zebra doing jumps, or giving a ride. Well this zebra sure does. Zack is a 6 year old zebra that rides western, english or bareback and also follows other commands. He is one rare zebra.
49. Crazy Animals Miniature Giraffes
These small animals, or popularly known as Petite Lap Giraffes are available on Sokoblovsky Farms. These giraffes are about 4.5 kgs in weight and are about 15cm to 75cm tall. Their diet is nothing but distilled water and tree leaves.
50. Crazy Animals Camel Festival
Every year the northern Indian city of Bikaner, Rajasthan, holds what looks to be a pretty unique state of affairs with camels – a full fledged Camel Festival! Thousands of excited tourists and local people cheer this man and beast affair organized especially, for promoting the camel breeders of the region and to revive the age old traditions of taming and training camels. Awards are given for the best decorated camels, camel milking and also the best fur cutting design.