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Benefits of Lactuca



Compresses also help in toning your facial skin and can be used as masks, particularly for dry skin. It was in the period between the 16th and 18th centuries that different types of lettuce were developed due to the discovery that a particular subspecies could crosspollinate with other subspecies. During medieval times in Europe, lettuce was considered to possess medicinal qualities, which were mentioned in several medieval texts. One can find instances of the plant being prescribed as a medicine for several diseases in the Unani medicine system as well. It was prescribed for bilius eructation, disturbed blood pressure, loss of appetite, insomnia, as a tonic for the intestines and digestive system, and as a method to stop sexual urges.


Aids Better Sleep
Consumption Tips
Lettuce Tastes Great
Protect immune system
Alkaline formation and detoxification
Iceberg or crisphead
Use for healthy cell
Supplies Nutrition
Low Glycemic Index
Antimicrobial Properties
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