benefits of kale

Benefits of Kale

71. Detoxifying
Recent studies now recognize kale for its help in the body detoxification system.andIsothiocyanates which are found in kale, when broken down to glucosinolates helps to regulate detoxification activities in the body cells.andTherefore, a regular intake of kale juice helps our body detoxify at a genetic level.
72. Hemoglobin
The high content of chlorophyll in kale helps to improve the hemoglobin level in ones body.andThe chlorophyll molecules are closest to humans hemoglobin molecules, making it one of the best juices for people who are anemic. This tastes absolutely delicious and is a great, crunchy and super healthy snack. A lot of people also add kale to their smoothies in order to boost the nutritional value.
73. Inflammation
Kale juice is highly alkaline, and its high content of vitamin K helps improve blood circulation that is helpful for reducing chronic inflammation in patients. Kale is actually loaded with compounds that are believed to have protective effects against cancer. This includes sulforaphane, a substance that has been shown to help fight the formation of cancer at the molecular level.
74. Muscles
One of the few vegetables that contain a decent amount of protein, kale has protein that are better bio available to the body than compared to meat protein. Certainly a great vegetable to add in a vegetarians diet. A popular snack is kale chips, where you drizzle some extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil on your kale, add some salt and then bake in an oven until dry. This tastes absolutely delicious and is a great, crunchy and super healthy snack. A lot of people also add kale to their smoothies in order to boost the nutritional value.
75. Skin
Kale is an excellent source of calcium, vitamins A, C, K and phytonutrients, all representing requisite nutrients for good skin health. Kale is also one of the richest sources of lutein, and contains beta carotene, both improve our skins elasticity, firmness and keep it healthy.
76. Vision
Kale contains a high concentration amount of carotenoids (zeaxathin and lutein).andBoth these
77. Caution
Despite the many health benefits of kale juice, it does contain some amount of oxalates. People with a history of gallbladder or kidney stones should reduce consumption ofandkale. Oxalic acid is otherwise fine for most people when taken raw.andIt is only when cooked that oxalic acid turns INORGANIC. Some people may experience intestinal discomfort, gas, diarrhea or stomach cramps when initially consuming kale juice.andSo with beginners, start with small amounts and listen to how your body responds to it.
78. Support for Energy Production
Fresh kale juice comes packed with nutrients your body needs to produce energy. The many B complex vitamins found in the juice work in combination to help you derive energy from nutrients. Iron and copper abundant in kale juice activate enzymes your cells use to generate fuel, and iron also helps deliver the oxygen your cells need to maintain cell metabolism. A quarter cup portion of kale juice provides 1 milligram of iron 6 and 13 percent of the recommended daily iron intakes for men and women, respectively along with 1,055 micrograms of copper, or your entire recommended daily intake.
79. Drinking More Kale Juice
Kale juice is best combined with other flavors. Photo Credit pr2is/iStock/Getty Images Because even a small serving size offers major health advantages, one of the major benefits of juicing kale is you can use the juice to easily sneak lots of nutritional value into other beverages and dishes. Kale juice tastes bitter on its own, so combine it with three quarter cup of orange or pineapple juice for a delicious beverage with a superior vitamin and mineral content, compared with a cup of orange or pineapple juice alone. Blend a quarter cup of kale juice with frozen berries, Greek yogurt, ground flaxseed and nonfat milk for a healthful smoothie. Alternatively, add a serving of kale juice to soup to boost its nutrient content.
80. Visual Health
Incorporate kale juice into your diet to keep your eyesight sharp. The vitamin A in kale helps you see at night, and it plays a key role in your ability to detect light. The juice also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients that promote long term eye health by filtering harmful light rays as they enter your eye, preventing those rays from reaching the sensitive tissues within your eyes. A quarter cup portion of kale juice provides 7,033 international units of vitamin A, which is more than enough to fulfill your recommended daily intake. Each serving of kale juice also provides 5.8 milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin, or just shy of half the daily intake suggested by the American Optometric Association.