benefits of curry leaves

Benefits of Curry Leaves

41. Oxidative Stress Study
Curry leaves reduce oxidative stress, especially in the pancreas. High levels of oxidative stress can damage tissues, and are often an indicator of arthritis, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Curry leaf extract, when consumed regularly, helps to prevent and reverse the damage done by oxidative stress in the pancreas of diabetic rats.
42. Potential AntiCarcinogen
Curry leaves are naturally high in antioxidants. These are substances that help protect cells from damage or death as a result of exposure to free radicals or toxins. This animal study found that curry leaf extract helped reduce the effects of dimethylhydrazine hydrochloride, a known carcinogen. However, further research, on humans and on other carcinogens, is required.
43. Source of vitamin
Curry leaves popularly called curry patta are a rich source of vitamin A, calcium and folic acid and among other things can prevent early development of cataract.
44. Curry leaves in your diet
Good idea to include curry leaves in your diet. They can be used both raw and cooked. Typically, in Indian cooking, a whole bunch is tempered with ghee or oil. It combines well with vegetables, lentils, fish, meats, curds, butter and coconut milk. They can also be ground and used as paste in curries. Leaves dried in open air lose their pungency, while vacuumdried ones can retain their odor with flavor for up to two weeks. However, the leaves are best consumed fresh. A curry leaf tree is easy to grow in soil or earthen pots in a house garden.
45. Different names
Curry leaves are known by different names all over the world, for instance, in Germany they are known as curryblatter, in Spanish
46. Treatment of indigestion and heartburn
Dried curry leaves are also known to be very useful in the treatment of indigestion and heartburn. Home remedy treatment options suggest that you pour a small glass of cold water into a pot, add a few drops of honey or lime juice as well as ? a teaspoon of crushed curry leaves and consume the concoction when you start to experience the onset of any of the symptoms that are associated with heartburn or indigestion. Another widely appreciated health benefit of curry leaves is that it helps get rid of instances of nausea and subdue any urges that an individual has of vomiting.
47. Uses
The leaves are highly valued as seasoning in southern and westcoast Indian cooking, and Sri Lankan cooking ( ???????) , especially in curries, usually fried along with the chopped onion in the first stage of the preparation. They are also used to make thoran, vada, rasam and kadhi. In their fresh form, they have a short shelf life & do not keep well in the refrigerator. They are also available dried, though the aroma is largely inferior.
48. Propagation
Seeds must be ripe and fresh to plant; dried or shrivelled fruits are not viable. One can plant the whole fruit, but it is best to remove the pulp before planting in potting mix that is kept moist but not wet.
49. Native Region
Curry leaf tree is native to India.
50. Healing Properties
Curry leaf or Kari patta has antiinflammatory, anti oxidative, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, carminative, antihypercholesterolemic, and hypoglycemic properties. It works as a stimulant, relaxant and mild laxative. it helps reduce blood sugar and blood cholesterol. In addition, it has been observed that curry leaves help reduce the size of a tumor by fighting cancerous cells.