benefits of bananas

1. Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world for good reason. The curved yellow fruit packs a big nutritional punch, wrapped in its own convenient packaging. Some scientists believe that the banana may have even been the worlds first fruit. .....
2. Bananas are elliptically shaped fruits prepackaged by Nature, featuring a firm, creamy flesh giftwrapped inside a thick inedible peel. The banana plant grows 10 to 26 feet in height and belongs to the family Musaceae. Banana fruits grow in clusters of 50 to 150, with individual fruits grouped in bunches, known as hands, of 10 to 25 bananas. .....
3. Bananas are thought to have originated in Malaysia around 4,000 years ago. From there, they spread throughout the Philippines and India, where in 327 B.C. Alexander the Greats army recorded them being grown. Bananas were introduced to Africa by Arabian traders and discovered there in 1482 A.D. by Portuguese explorers who took them to the Americas, the place where the majority of bananas are now produced. .....
Nutritional Profile
4. Bananas are a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of manganese, vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, potassium, biotin, and copper. Bananas are a natural antacid, providing relief from acid reflux, heartburn and GERD. .....
Blood pressure
5. Maintaining a low sodium intake is essential to lowering blood pressure, however increasing potassium intake may be just as important because of its vasodilation effects. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, fewer than 2% of US adults meet the daily 4700 mg recommendation. .....
6. A study conducted by the Imperial College of London found that children who ate just one banana per day had a 34% less chance of developing asthma. Eating bananas will help prevent kidney cancer, protects the eyes against macular degeneration and builds strong bones by increasing calcium absorption. .....
7. Consuming bananas, oranges and orange juice in the first two years of life may reduce the risk of developing childhood leukemia. As a good source of vitamin C, bananas can help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer. High fiber intakes from fruits and vegetables like bananas are associated with a lowered risk of colorectal cancer. .....
Heart health
8. The fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B6 content in bananas all support heart health. An increase in potassium intake along with a decrease in sodium intake is the most important dietary change that a person can make to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease. .....
9. Studies have shown that type 1 diabetics who consume highfiber diets have lower blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetics may have improved blood sugar, lipids and insulin levels. One medium banana provides about 3 grams of fiber. .....
Treating diarrhea
10. Bland foods such as apple sauce and bananas are recommended for diarrhea treatment. Electrolytes like potassium are lost in large quantities during bouts of diarrhea and may make those affected feel weak. Bananas can help to promote regularity and replenish potassium stores. .....
Reserving memory and boosting mood
11. Bananas also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that studies suggest plays a role in preserving memory and boosting your mood. Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from bananas. .....
Good source of potassium and magnesium
12. They are a good source of potassium and magnesium which aid in maintaining normal blood pressure and are heart protective.The high potassium content promotes bone health too. Eating a banana can lower the body temperature and cool you during a fever or on a hot day. .....
Gives instant surge of energy
14. It does this by converting the natural sugars into instant energy and this is one of the reasons sportsmen consume it during intervals. .....
Helps keep blood pressure under control
15. Bananas are rich in potassium, calcium & magnesium, so it is a healthy option for keeping blood pressure in check. Research indicates that potassium keeps blood pressure under control and improved consumption of calcium, potassium and magnesium can also help decrease high blood pressure. .....
Helps lower cholesterol
16. Banana helps to lower Cholesterol levels. .....
Improves nerve function and enhances brain power
17. Banana is a rich source of B vitamins and therefore perks up nerve function. .....
Decreases the risk of stroke
18. Bananas in daily diet .....
Helps build healthy bones
19. Probiotic bacteria present in bananas is said to have astonishing ability to absorb calcium in the body. Hence, consuming bananas help in building better bones. Bananas act as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowel. .....
Enhances digestive ability
20. It is very rich in fructooligosaccharide which acts as a probiotic (friendly bacteria). It stimulates the growth and activity of probiotics in the colon and produces enzymes that enable absorption of nutrients thus enhancing the digestive ability and preventing unfriendly bacteria from harming the body. .....
Helps combat stomach ulcers
21. Bananas stimulate the cells which make up the stomach lining, this enables production of a thicker protective mucus barrier against stomach acids. .....
Relieve from constipation
22. Pectin found in Bananas, help to alleviate constipation and improves bowel function. Improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms by eating a banana, which regulates blood sugar and produces stressrelieving relaxation. .....
Helps in curing piles
23. Since bananas help regulate bowel movement they help cure piles. banana is younger looking skin. Banana has about 75 per cent water by weight. Thus banana helps hydrate your skin and prevents it from drying and peeling. .....
Helps regulating anaemia
24. Bananas are good for Anaemic patients as they contain high levels of iron which help regulate the haemoglobin levels in the body. Eating a banana can lower the body temperature and cool you during a fever or on a hot day. .....
Helps alleviating heartburn
25. The antacid substance in banana gives immense relief from heartburn. Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar. Eating bananas will help prevent kidney cancer, protects the eyes against macular degeneration and builds strong bones by increasing calcium absorption. .....
Prevents allergies
26. The presence of benign amino acids in banana helps combat allergies. Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and nighttime leg cramps by eating a banana. Bananas are a natural antacid, providing relief from acid reflux, heartburn and GERD. .....
Helps withdrawing smoking urge
27. Vitamins B6 and B12 along with magnesium and Potassium in Bananas helps recover from nicotine addiction. Bananas are high in antioxidants, providing free radicals and protection from chronic disease. .....
Helps recovering from hangover
28. Bananas when blended with honey and yoghurt cures hangover. Vitamin B6, serotonin, tryptophan, dopamine, etc., in bananas help combat symptoms of PMS, erratic mood swings, and depression. .....
Enhance weight gain
29. The combination of milk and bananas enhances weight gain. .....
Bananas benefits for weight loss
30. Bananas contain loads of fibre and low amounts of fat and they are also easily digestible. A banana of 100 grams contains approx. 90 calories. .....
Prevents insomnia
31. Bananas are rich in amino acids known as Tryptophan. .....
Reduces inflammation due to mosquito bites
32. Itching and swelling caused by mosquito bites can be reduced by rubbing the inside of a banana on it. Bananas curbs morning sickness. Snacking on bananas at regular intervals helps preventing it. .....
Natural moisturiser
33. Banana is a great natural moisturiser for your skin. The Vitamin A present in banana restores the lost moisture and repairs the damaged, dull and dry skin. To instantly moisturise dry and dull skin, mash a ripe banana and apply it on your face. Avoid contact with eyes. Leave it on your skin for 2025 minutes and then wash it away with lukewarm water. You will instantly have soft and supple skin. .....
Glowing skin
34. Banana contains generous amount of Vitamin C that helps in maintaining the natural and youthful glow of the skin. Mash half a ripe banana and mix it with 1 tbsp. of sandalwood powder/paste and ? tsp. of honey. Let it stay on your skin for 2025 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. This face mask is beneficial for oily skin as sandalwood helps in cleaning excess sebum and oil from the skin while banana keeps it moisturised. .....
Banana skin scrubs
35. Banana is full of antioxidants; mixed with a few ingredients, it not only helps to get rid of dead skin but also leaves it feeling rejuvenated. Mash a ripe banana; add 23 tablespoons of oats, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon milk. Apply it on your face and leave it 5 minutes, then slowly rub it on your skin. Wash with cold water. In case you have extremely dry skin, you can substitute milk with fresh cream. .....
36. Nutrients in banana helps in fighting wrinkles and keeps the skin youthful. For an antiaging facial mask loaded with vitamins A and E, mash together an avocado and a banana. Leave on skin for 25 minutes and rinse. Skin will be soft and youthful. The vitamins E in avocados combined with the nutrients in bananas fight free radicals and repair damage. .....
Foot care
37. The moisturizing property of banana can be used to get rid of cracked heels. All you need to do is mash the pulp of two ripe bananas and apply this pulp on clean, dry feet. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse the feet clean. The banana pulp will penetrate deep into dry, cracked skin to create soft and supple feet. .....
Goodbye puffy eyes
38. Mash half a banana and apply generously around the puffy eyes. Let it sit for 1520 minutes and then rinsing with cool water. The puffiness will vanish instantly. The potassium rich banana draws out excess fluid from under my skin and reduces the swelling immediately. .....
Hair Benefits Of Banana
39. Banana is rich in potassium, natural oils, carbohydrates and vitamins which help in softening the hair and protects the hair .....
Pack For Soft Hair
40. Mix ripe banana with avocado and add coconut milk to the mixture. Apply it on your hair and wait for 1520 minutes. The pack conditions damaged hair and makes the hair soft. Instead of avocado, you can also make the same mask by adding cocoa. Presence of cocoa helps in bringing out the natural colour of the hair. .....
Pack For Shine And Health
41. Peel a banana and add 1/4 cup of olive oil and one egg white and put in a blender. Puree for a couple of minutes. Let it stay on your hair for 15 minutes followed by hair wash with your favourite shampoo and conditioner. .....
Pack To Fight Hair Loss
42. To Treat Hair Loss, mix ripe banana pulp with yoghurt. Apply the smooth paste on your scalp and rinse with cool water after 1520 minutes. Bananas contain high levels of Bvitamins as well as potassium and magnesium to speed recovery from the effects of withdrawal. .....
Pack For Dry Hair
43. honey and banana face pack nourishes your dry skin, the same works great for your dry hair as well, mix three spoons of honey with ripe banana and apply it on your hair while it is still wet. Let the hair pack sit for 1520 minutes followed by the usual hair wash. .....
Pack For Dry And Damaged Hair
44. Another simple yet effective hair mask to repair dry and damaged hair is to make banana pulp with a few drops of almond oil. Leave it for 1015 minutes. The vitamin A and C present in banana along with Vitamin E of the almond oil leave your hair silky and shiny not to mention extremely moisturized and soft. .....
Pack For Acne
45. To treat acne with banana peel, cut a small piece of the peel. Rub the inside of the peel gently over the acne affected area. Rub for about 5 minutes or until the inside of the peel gets brown. Clean the skin around with lukewarm water but let the banana dry out on the affected area to do. Repeat this at least 3 times a day and the acne and pimples will subside within a week. .....
Treating Itchy Skin
46. If you suffer from itchy and swollen skin, just rub the banana peel on the effective area and you will feel the itching and swelling subside. Rub a bug bite or hives with the inside of the banana peel to relieve itching and irritation. .....
Pack For Wrinkles
47. Banana peel can also be used to get rid of wrinkles. Apply fresh peel on the affected area for 15 minutes every day and there will be noticeable change in a few weeks. Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from bananas. .....
Pack For Treating Warts And Psoriasis
48. Banana peel is also helpful to treat warts and psoriasis. Just apply the banana peel on the affected area and rub it for 1012 minutes twice every day. The results might take time to show but this definitely works much better than artificial creams and treatments for these skin problems. .....
Bananas and Beauty Sleep
49. Bananas not only contain large amounts of tryptophan and serotonin but also have very high carbohydrate content. This helps the brain to utilize tryptophan and serotonin to produce the sleep hormone. Eating banana few hours before going to bed will help you in getting that essential beauty sleep and thus a refreshed and healthy skin. .....
50. Enjoying a banana each day aids in keeping you regular. One 6inch banana has more than 2.5 grams of total fiber, about half of which are insoluble. As insoluble fiber travels through your digestive tract, it sweeps up waste and helps push it out. Youll have more regular bowel movements that are soft and easy to pass. Keep your bowels healthy by getting 14 grams of fiber in your diet for every 1,000 calories you consume. .....
Normal Heart Function
51. Bananas are rich in a mineral electrolyte called potassium. When potassium enters your body, it absorbs directly into your bloodstream through intestinal walls. Potassium travels around to cells all over your body and dissolves in fluid inside of cells. It travels across cell membranes if needed to keep fluid balanced in and around cells. This process keeps electricity flowing throughout your system, which is required to make your heart beat. .....
Eye Health
52. Adding a banana to your diet also helps keep your eyes healthy. Bananas have a small amount of vitamin A, a fatsoluble vitamin that is vital for protecting your eyes and normal vision. The term vitamin A refers to a series of compounds, including betacarotene and alphacarotene. These compounds preserve the membranes that surround your eyes and are a component of one of the proteins that brings light into your cornea. .....
Cardiovascular Health
53. Cardiovascular benefit from bananas is related to their potassium content. Bananas are a good source of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. Since one mediumsized banana contains a whopping 400plus mg of potassium, the inclusion of bananas in your routine meal plan may help to prevent high blood pressure and protect against atherosclerosis. .....
Athletic performance
54. The unique mix of vitamins, minerals, and low glycemic carbohydrates in bananas has made them a favorite fruit among endurance athletes. Their easy portability, low expense, and great taste also help support their popularity in this exclusive group. .....
Individual Concerns
55. Bananas and plantain contain substances called chitinases that are associated with the latexfruit allergy syndrome. There is strong evidence of the crossreaction between latex and these foods. .....
InDepth Nutritional Profile
56. In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an indepth nutritional profile for Bananas is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more. .....
How to Select
57. Since bananas are picked off the tree while theyre still green, its not unusual to see them this color in the store. Base your choice of bananas depending upon when you want to consume them. Bananas with more green coloration will take longer to ripen than those more yellow in hue and/or with brown spots. .....
How to Store
58. Bananas can also be frozen and will keep for about 2 months. Either puree them before freezing or simply remove the peel and wrap the bananas in plastic wrap. To prevent discoloration, add some lemon juice before freezing. .....
Controls blood pressure
59. According to research, the potassium in this fruit keeps the blood pressure levels in check and it can also help decrease its levels. A good source of vitamin B, banana helps perk up nerve function and boosts learning abilities. .....
Relieves constipation
60. Pectin found in bananas helps to alleviate constipation and improves bowel function. Probiotic bacteria present in bananas is known to absorb calcium in the body. Hence, it helps in building better bones. .....
61. Bananas are among the most convenient food sources of potassium. This mineral is essential for maintaining proper heart function and regulating normal blood pressure. Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of potassium rich foods like bananas in lowering high blood pressure. .....
More Energy
62. Bananas make a great snack at work when your energy is lagging and while they might not be the most obvious weight loss food, they are only about 100 calories and can satisfy those sweet cravings. .....
Good for Ulcers
63. Eating bananas regularly may help protect against stomach ulcers. Compounds in bananas seem to create a thicker protective barrier in the stomach against hydrochloric acid. Bananas also contain protease inhibitors that work to eliminate certain bacteria in the stomach implicated as a major cause of stomach ulcers. .....
High in Vitamin B6
64. Bananas are particularly high in vitamin B6. This vitamin is important for creating hemoglobin for healthy blood. B6 is also involved in maintaining proper blood sugar levels, synthesizing and breaking down amino acids and producing antibodies for a stronger immune response in your body. .....
Vitamins and Minerals
65. Alongside the high levels of potassium and vitamin B6 already mentioned, bananas also have good levels of vitamin C, magnesium and manganese. They are also a source of most of the other B vitamins and smaller amounts of trace minerals like iodine, iron, selenium and zinc. .....
A Hangover Cure
66. Bananas are a great hangover food for mornings when you .....
Improving your Mood and Reducing Stress
67. Bananas are a good source of the amino acid tryptophan which your body converts to serotonin. Tryptophan is considered an essential amino acid because the only way your body gets it is through your diet. Bananas, while certainly not the highest source out there, are one of the easiest ways to get a little more tryptophan. Another reason why bananas make such a great snack for those stressed out at work. .....
Eat a frozen bananasicle
68. Peel and cut four ripe bananas in half (across the middle). Stick a wooden icecream stick into the flat end of each piece. Place them all on a piece of wax paper, and then put it in the freezer. A few hours later, serve them up as simply yummy frozen bananasicles. If you want to go allout, quickly dip your frozen bananas in 6 ounces (170 grams) melted butterscotch or chocolate morsels (chopped nuts or shredded coconut are optional), then refreeze .....
Tenderize a roast
69. Banana leaves are commonly used in many Asian countries to wrap meat as it .....
Polish silverware and leather shoes
70. Banana peel is actually a great way to put the shine back into your silverware and leather shoes. First, remove any of the leftover stringy material from the inside of the peel, then just start rubbing the inside of the peel on your shoes or silver. When you .....
Use as fertilizer or mulch
71. Banana peels, like the fruit itself, are rich in potassium .....
Add to compost pile
72. With their high content of potassium and phosphorus, whole bananas and peels are welcome additions to any compost pile .....
Attract butterflies and birds
73. Bring more butterflies and various bird species to your backyard by putting out overripe bananas (as well as other fruits such as mangos, oranges, and papayas) on a raised platform. Punch a few holes in the bananas to make the fruit more accessible to the butterflies. .....
Bananas and plantains
74. Bananas and plantains, based on their intended use as food. Thus the banana producer and distributor Chiquita produces publicity material for the American market which says that a plantain is not a banana. The stated differences are that plantains are more starchy and less sweet; they are eaten cooked rather than raw; they have thicker skin, which may be green, yellow or black; and they can be used at any stage of ripeness. .....
75. Export bananas are picked green, and ripen in special rooms upon arrival in the destination country. These rooms are airtight and filled with ethylene gas to induce ripening. The vivid yellow color consumers normally associate with supermarket bananas is, in fact, caused by the artificial ripening process. Flavor and texture are also affected by ripening temperature. Bananas are refrigerated to between 13.5 and 15 .....
Storage and transport
76. Bananas must be transported over long distances from the tropics to world markets. To obtain maximum shelf life, harvest comes before the fruit is mature. The fruit requires careful handling, rapid transport to ports, cooling, and refrigerated shipping. The goal is to prevent the bananas from producing their natural ripening agent, ethylene. This technology allows storage and transport for 3 .....
Production and export
77. Statistics on the production and export of bananas and plantains are available from the Food and Agriculture Organization. Some countries produce statistics which distinguish between bananas and plantains, but three of the top four producers (India, China and the Philippines) do not, so comparisons can only be made using the total for bananas and plantains combined. .....
78. Banana hearts are used as a vegetable in South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisine, either raw or steamed with dips or cooked in soups, curries and fried foods. The flavor resembles that of artichoke. As with artichokes, both the fleshy part of the bracts and the heart are edible. .....
79. Banana leaves are large, flexible, and waterproof. They are often used as ecologically friendly disposable food containers or as plates in South Asia and several Southeast Asian countries. In Indonesian cuisine, banana leaf is employed in cooking method called pepes and botok; the banana leaf packages containing food ingredients and spices are cooked on steam, in boiled water or grilled on charcoal. In the South Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Karna .....
80. The banana plant has long been a source of fiber for high quality textiles. In Japan, banana cultivation for clothing and household use dates back to at least the 13th century. In the Japanese system, leaves and shoots are cut from the plant periodically to ensure softness. Harvested shoots are first boiled in lye to prepare fibers for yarnmaking. These banana shoots produce fibers of varying degrees of softness, yielding yarns and textiles with .....
81. Banana fiber is used in the production of banana paper. Banana paper is made from two different parts: the bark of the banana plant, mainly used for artistic purposes, or from the fibers of the stem and nonusable fruits. The paper is either handmade or by industrial process. .....
82. Bananas are a staple starch for many tropical populations. Depending upon cultivar and ripeness, the flesh can vary in taste from starchy to sweet, and texture from firm to mushy. Both the skin and inner part can be eaten raw or cooked. The bananas flavor is due, amongst other chemicals, to isoamyl acetate which is one of the main constituents of banana oil. .....
Banana bacterial wilt
83. Banana bacterial wilt (BBW) is a bacterial disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum. After being originally identified on a close relative of bananas, Ensete ventricosum, in Ethiopia in the 1960s, BBW occurred in Uganda in 2001 affecting all banana cultivars. Since then BBW has been diagnosed in Central and East Africa including the banana growing regions of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi, an .....
Banana bunchy top virus
84. Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) jumps from plant to plant using aphids. It stunts leaves, resulting in a bunched appearance. Generally, an infected plant does not produce fruit, although mild strains exist which allow some production. These mild strains are often mistaken for malnourishment, or a disease other than BBTV. There is no cure; however, its effect can be minimized by planting only tissuecultured plants (in vitro propagation), controllin .....
Whiten Teeth
85. Rub banana peel on your teeth for about two minutes every time you brush and you .....
Purify Water
86. Banana peels can actually absorb toxins in polluted rivers. But, if you ever find yourself lost in the woods with only a banana peel, you .....
Safety profile
87. Banana fruits are sometimes known to cause skin and systemic allergic reactions. The fruit may be the cause of oral allergy syndrome in which, the symptoms may include itching and swelling around the mouth or throat within hours after ingestion and the condition may be related to birch tree and other pollen allergies. .....
Preparation and Serving methods
88. Bananas come with nature gifted protective outer layer of skin, therefore, are less likely to be contaminated by germs and dust. High in potassium and low in salt, bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke. .....
Banana leaves Significance
89. Banana leaves are so large they are used as umbrellas during monsoon season. They are used as natural food wrappers when steaming, grilling and baking different types of food. The leaf also make an attractive serving platter because of its size and sturdiness. The shrub produces only one leaf per month in winter and three to four per month in summer. .....
Banana leaves Nutrients
90. Banana leaves contain large amounts of polyphenols such as epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, also found in green tea. Polyphenols are natural antioxidants found in many plant based foods. According to an article by Augustin Scalbert and colleagues published in the January 2005 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, extensive research is ongoing to help determine the extent of how polyphenols affect human cells, the oxidative proces .....
Culinary Considerations
91. Banana leaves are staples in Southeast Asian, Indian and African cooking. The leaves are not eaten by humans and are used exclusively as aromatic food wrappers. The leaf adds a green tea like scent to food during the cooking whether you use them to wrap food for steaming, grilling or baking. You can buy fresh banana leaves in some Asian markets and freeze them for later use. For some recipes the leaves need to be steamed prior to grilling or baki .....
92. Banana leaves grow up to nine feet in length. The tree provides a canopy in many tropical climates. A 1991 study conducted by Abiliza E. Kimambo and H. M. H. Muya of the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania determined that the banana leaves, fruit peelings and the core of the stem provide sufficient nutritional value to be a highly valuable food for dairy cows and cattle. This study, published in Livestock Research for Rural Development, .....
Traditional Meal
93. In southern India, special meals are served on banana leaves. It is customary to use a large leaf as a communal serving platter. This type of meal is called saapad in Tamil. According to the Sampradaya Sun, the food generally served on the banana leaf includes rice, vegetable sabjis, curries and raitas, The rice is usually served with a tomato based sauce and dahl. .....
Banana leavess Health Benefits
94. Banana leaves contain vitamins and thus when hot food is placed on the banana leaves, the food absorbs the vitamins from the leaves which then become a part of our intake. Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and nighttime leg cramps by eating a banana. .....
Banana Plant Leaves
95. Banana leaves are used like aluminum foil. They are used to wrap food prior to steaming and grilling. The leaf makes an excellent platter and food served on these leaves tastes delicious. The leaves are not eaten but while steaming food some of the polyphenols are imparted to the food. .....
Red Skinned Bananas
96. The peel of this type of bananas is a maroon red color and they are plumper than normal bananas. They are also highly nutritious the vitamin C content depends on how red the banana is. The potassium content is high more or less like the yellow bananas. The flavor of red bananas is unique and they are delicious and rare. .....
Banana Stem
97. When a bunch of bananas is harvested, the stem/tree is cut away. The tender inner stem is used as food and has many medicinal properties as well. Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to high levels of vitamin B6. .....
Structure of Banana Leaf
98. The structure of the banana leaf is also to be taken in a great way. The banana leaf is designed in nature in order to use it for the purpose of the eating by the people. The people of Tamilnadu use the banana leaf in a great way to serve food and also pack foods to other places. When hot food is packed in the Banana leaf it takes the extracts of the leaf with the help of the heat that is generated inside and that particular extract is very usefu .....
The natural construction of the Banana Leaf
99. The natural construction of the Banana Leaf is in such a way that is very big to contain all the food items all together without any clash. This helps in the easy serving and easy eating of the food items. People of Tamilnadu cut the banana leaf accordingly in order to serve food to the people. Bigger leafs might be uncomfortable to eat food from it. .....
Why do we use banana leaf for eating
100. It has become a tradition in using the banana leaf for the serving purpose and also for the purpose of closing the food items. The banana leaf is the cleanest leaf among all the other leaf. The major advantage of the banana leaf is the space that is available in it. The bigger size of the banana leaf makes it to be one of the special and unique leaves in the plant species. There are also many varieties of banana plants available but the banana le .....
Uses of Banana Leaf
101. The banana leaf comes from the Banana tree. There are also two types of banana tree in which the one type that grows in bottom to top format and the other type grow in the format that is similar to the hand fan. The uses of the banana leaf are more common in the entire criterion. Banana leaf is used for eating in general and apart from this there are also many uses that are present in banana leaf. .....
Steamed fish
102. A banana leaf makes a fragrant and convenient fishsteaming packet. Wrap the leaf around any kind of firmfleshed fish (sustainable, of course!) together with seasonings like fresh herbs, garlic, ginger, or curry paste. See this post for some tips. .....
Grilled fish and other foods
103. There are two advantages to grilling a fish on top of a banana leaf: first, it prevents the fragile fish from sticking to the grill grates and second, it adds a mellow smoky, sweet flavor to the fish. Get her recipe: Grilled Whole Fish on Banana Leaf. This cooking method can be used for shrimp or vegetables, too. .....
Savory custards
104. Cooks make banana leaf boats to steam mixtures of meat, spices, coconut milk, and eggs. The SunSentinel has a recipe for CambodianStyle Amok Fish (adaptable for chicken or tofu) and good stepbystep photos for folding the boat. Meanwhile, Nyonya Food shares a Malaysian version of this dish called OtakOtak. .....
105. Tamales are wrapped in banana leaves, which imparts a different flavor than corn husks. Check out Saveurs recipe for Guatemalan Tamales with Ancho Chile Sauce or Simply Recipes Vegetarian Banana Leaf Tamales. .....
106. Latin American pasteles are frequently enclosed in banana leaves. Hector Rodriguez has a recipe for the Puerto Rican version of Pasteles, made with green bananas and yaut .....
107. Fresh, green banana leaves can be used as plates, serving containers, and table decor. Banana leaf boats would make pretty bowls for steamed rice, salads, desserts and more. Another idea is to fold the leaves into cones to fill with noodles or other foods. .....
Sticky rice
108. Sticky rice is wrapped and steamed inside banana leaves for a sweet or savory treat. For two examples, check out Thai & Lao Foods recipe for Khao Dome (Coconut Sticky Rice in Banana Leaves) and The Global Gourmets recipe for Indonesian Lemper Ayam (Sticky Rice and Spiced Chicken .....
109. Bibingka, a Filipino coconut cake, is traditionally baked in a pot lined with banana leaves. Panlasang Pinoys recipe shows how to adapt this for a cake pan, while JunBlogs version uses ramekins. Were looking forward to trying one of these methods next time we make our own binbingka recipe. .....
110. Varada of Aayis Recipes shares a riff on hittu/khottek/kadubu, an Indian dish traditionally made from rice and urad dal (black lentil) batter steamed in baskets of jackfruit leaves. This banana leaf version is easier to assemble. .....
Cochinita pibil
111. Cochinita pibil is a Mexican dish traditionally consisting of a whole suckling pig roasted in a banana leaf. For a recipe thats more doable at home, see Andrea Myerss SlowCooked AchioteMarinated Pork (Cochinita Pibil). .....
For Meals
112. The wrapped banana leaves that form the plants stem contain starch, which is extracted through a fermentation or cooking process. People in some parts of the world use the resulting flour for baking. The starch is also cooked into glue. .....
For Healing
113. As a home remedy, bananaleaf poultices help to heal burns and other skin irritations, according to Purdue University, which adds that individuals suffering from, ulcers, diarrhea or dysentery may ingest the leaf ashes as a treatment for their condition. Check with your doctor before trying this approach. .....
For Cooking
114. Banana leaves tenderize meat during the cooking process. The practice, common in Asian countries, is to wrap the food in the banana leaf and tie it with string before grilling, baking or steaming the dish. In some countries, people use banana leaves for lining cooking pits and for wrapping food, according to Purdue University. The banana foliage also becomes makeshift plates and placemats. .....
For the Garden and Beyond
115. Chopped up banana leaves, including the plants stem, serve as mulching material. Whole leaves protect other crops from the hot sun. People fold banana leaves into planters, use it as heavyduty paper or use the fiber to make rope, string and baskets. Ecuadorians uses the leaves for seat cushions; West Africans makes fishing lines with the fiber. In the Philippines, people weave banana leaves into clothing; in Ceylon, they use the leaves to make th .....
For Protection
116. People in South America and other areas of the world use banana leaves to block the rain and to provide protection from the hot sun, according to Purdue University. Bananas help overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin the happymood brain neurotransmitter. .....
Chourishi Systems