

Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries.
121. Know your partner well
If there are any skeletons in your closet, speak up now. You will feel better, and you will see if your partner accepts you completely. They might have some secrets to share too.
122. Dont expect to know what to expect
Nobody is entirely prepared for life strapped to another person.
123. Dont go into it thinking We can always get a divorce
Life is crazy and people change but marriage is a commitment.
124. Do not marry someone who is abusive
if you suspect infidelity or if you cannot agree on big issues like religion, finances or child rearing.
125. Be yourself from the start of any relationship
If you begin the relationship by putting on the front of a perfect hybrid version of you and some sort of Stepford wife, what happens when the cracks begin to show? Be yourself from day one, and your spouse will have proven that you are accepted and loved for who you really are, not who you are pretending to be.
126. Forgive forgive forgive
The three most important words for a good marriage.
127. Give each other the benefit of any doubts
You have built a relationship based on trust. Don't assume that your spouse is doing things for the purpose of irritating you maybe she and he just doesnt realize something she and he does is bothering you. Let your spouse know about things that bother you without assuming the worst of him or her, and once its out in the open give your mate time to make adjustments and corrections.
128. Try to let the little annoyances go
Ask yourself if something irritating you is really worth fighting over. Is something wrong, or is it just different from the way you would do it? Allow differences to go by without comment. If something is really bothering you, talk about it in a non-accusatory way, and see if you can work it out without arguing.
129. Find ways to share responsibility
If you're both working 80 hours a week, why should the wife still have to do all the cooking and cleaning? Try to find a mix of jobs you both do better, e.g. dishes and lawn mowing, and share responsibility. Find ways of creating a routine that involves everyone, If you take the bins out, I will bring them in, You wash, I will dry, etc. This will avoid the nagging housewife syndrome. Remember, you will be living together forever( til death do you part) save some for tomorrow. The world wont come to an end if you don't finish all the laundry today.
130. Make time to sit down together once a day and share time together
Even if its only 10 minutes before bed, talk, cuddle, and share each others company.