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Health Benefits

Benefits of Rosemary


Health Benefits

The wonderful smell of rosemary is often associated with good food and great times. But it could just as easily be associated with good health. Rosemary contains substances that are useful for stimulating the immune system, increasing circulation, and improving digestion. Rosemary also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may make it useful for reducing the severity of asthma attacks. In addition, rosemary has been shown to increase the blood flow to the head and brain, improving concentration. So, the next time you enhance the flavor of some special dish with rosemary, congratulate yourself for a wise as well as delicious choice.


Cancer Prevention
Essential Oil Profile
Rosmarinic acid
Repel bugs
Aromatherapy and Romantic Fire Bundles
Tropical Christmas Tree
Cooking with Rosemary
External use
Rosemary tea recipe for hair
Internal uses
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