Angkor Wat
World Architecture
Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat, a temple complex dedicated to the Hindu deity Vishnu, was built in the twelfth century A.D. in the ancient city of Angkor, 192 miles 310 kilometers northwest of Phnom Penh. It is probably the largest and, as many have claimed, the most beautiful religious monument ever
constructed. Certainly it is the most famous of all Khmer temples.
Angkor served as the capital of the Khmer Empire of Cambodia from a.d. 802 until 1295. Evidence
uncovered since 1996 has led some scholars to assert that the site may have been occupied some 300
years earlier than first thought, obviously affecting accepted chronologies. Whatever the case, its
powerful kings held sway from what is now southern Vietnam to Yunnan, China, and westward from
Vietnam to the Bay of Bengal. The city site was probably chosen for strategic reasons and for the
agricultural potential of the region. The Khmer civilization was at its height between 879 and 1191,
and as a result of several ambitious construction projects, Angkor eventually grew into a huge
administrative and social center stretching north to south for 8 miles 13 kilometers and east to west
for 15 miles 24 kilometers. The population possibly reached 1 million.
Apart from the hundreds of buildingstemples, schools, hospitals, and housesthere was an
extensive system of reservoirs and waterways. The public and domestic buildings, all of timber, have
long since decayed. But because they were the only structures in which masonry was permitted, over
100 temple sites survive. Earlier examples were mostly of brick, but later, the porous, iron-bearing
material known as laterite was used, and still later sandstone, quarried about 25 miles 40 kilometers
The city of Angkor was the cult center of Devaraja, thegod-king, and an important pilgrimage
destination. The Khmer kings themselves, from Jayavarman II 802?850 onward, had come to be
worshiped as gods, and the temples they built were regarded as not only earthly but also as symbols
of Mount Meru, the cosmological home of the Hindu deities. The official state religion was worship
of the Siva Lingam, which signified the kings divine authority. Jayavarman II had identified the
kingship with Siva, and acting upon that precedent, King Suryavarman H 1113ca. 1150
presented himself as an incarnation of Vishnu. He built Angkor Wat as a temple and administrative
center for his empire and as his own sepulcher which is why it faces west to celebrate his status, he
dedicated it to Vishnu.
Financed by the spoils of war and taking over thirty years to finish, the sandstone-and-laterite
Angkor Wat occupies a 2,800-by-3,800-foot 850-by-1,000-meter rectangular site. Its layout
provides an architectural allegory of the Hindu cosmology. The temple is surrounded by a 590-footwide 180-meter moat, over 3 miles 5 kilometers long, which represents the primordial ocean. A causeway decorated with carvings of the divine serpents leads to a 617-foot-long 188-meter bridge
that gives access to the most important of four gates. The temple is reached by passing through three
galleries separated by paved walkways. It is an approximately pyramidal series of terraces and small buildings arranged in three ascending storiesthey stand for the mountains that encompass the worldand surmounted at the center by a templemountain of five lotus-shaped towers, symbolizing the five peaks of Mount Meru. Four of the original nine towers have succumbed to time and weather. The temple walls are replete with wonderfully crafted bas-reliefs, many of which were once painted and gilded, including about 1,700 heavenly nymphs and others that depict scenes of Khmer daily life, episodes from the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, the exploits of Vishnu and Siva, and of course the heroic deeds of King Suryavarman II.
In 1177 Angkor fell to the Cham army from northern Cambodia, who held it until it was retaken early in the reign of the Khmer King Jayavarman VII 1181?ca. 1215. When he built Angkor Thom nearby he dedicated his new capital to Buddhism, and Angkor Wat became a Buddhist shrine. Many of its carvings and statues of Hindu deities were replaced by Buddhist art. The Thais sacked Angkor in 1431. The following year the Khmers abandoned the city, and it was left to the encroaching jungle for a few centuries. However, Theravada Buddhist monks kept Angkor Wat as intact as possible until the late nineteenth century, making it one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in Southeast Asia.
The French explorer Henri Mouhotdiscovered Angkor in 1860. After French imperialism imposed itself in Indochina in 1863, the site attracted the scholarly interest of westerners. In 1907, when Cambodia had been made a French protectorate and Thailand returned Angkor to its control, Lecole Fran?aise dExtreme Orient established the Angkor Conservation Board. It seems that for forty years the European colonizers were more interested in reconstructing Angkor Wat than in undertaking scholarly restoration. The prodigal use of reinforced concrete made many of the buildings unrecognizable. The vandalism was mercifully halted when Khmer Rouge guerrillas occupied the site, followed by the Vietnamese army. When an uneasy peace was restored
in 1986, the Archaeological Survey of India took up the project, replacing much of the French work
with more modern and less intrusive techniques. At the invitation of the Cambodian government, the
Japanese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor began a four-year preservation and restoration
project in November 1994, initially focused on the Bayon temple in Angkor Thom but extending to
the outer buildings of Angkor Wat. Because of delays caused by the July 1997 conflicts in
Cambodia, the program was extended into 1999.
