ways to be a better parent

Ways to Be a Better Parent

How to Be a Better Parent. Let your kids get bored, don't solve all their problems.
71. Handle it better when your kid talks back
Its important to understand why your kid is talking back in order to stop it. Find a list of reasons your kid might be talking back plus strategies to deal with it.
72. Choose your battles
Are some of the things you and your kid fight over lower priority issues than others? If so, let the less important ones slide. This will make your kid much more likely to listen to you about the serious stuff.
73. Help your kid to become a better reader
The printable seen above made by teacher Jodi Southard has a number of terrific questions parents can ask their kids during story time. Her website also has a similarly valuable printable for helping your kid with math.
74. Discipline without spanking
One way is by making a Glittery Time Out Timer. When your kid acts up you shake the bottle bringing all of the glitter to the top, then set it down. Your kid must sit quietly until the glitter settles. This both punishes and calms your kid.
75. Parent your kid in an age appropriate way
Sometimes we are harder on younger kids than their age warrants; other times we treat older kids like babies. Making it a priority to parent our children in an age-appropriate way is a key part of raising well-adjusted kids.
76. Keep your relationship alive
Kids can put stress on a couple, but its important for both you and your kids that you keep your relationship healthy.
77. Stop fighting with your partner about discipline strategies
When two parents have differing ideas on how best to discipline a kid, it can create a lot of conflict in the home.
78. Try to see the world from your kids perspective
Parenting can sometimes feel like its us against them, but theres real value in seeing the world from your kids perspective.
79. Write down three things that went right every night
A study by Martin Seligman found that people who wrote down three things that went well (and what caused them) before bed were happier even after just one week. This concept can be applied to parenting, too. Try ending your day by writing down three positive things that happened with your kid (along with the cause).
80. Never stop trying to learn and grow as a parent
Take the advice you like and leave the rest, but never stop challenging yourself to be the best parent you can be.