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After renunciation, Tulsidas spent most of his time at Varanasi, Prayag, Ayodhya, and Chitrakuta but visited many other nearby and far-off places. He traveled across India to many places, studying different people, meeting saints and Sadhus and meditating. The Mula Gosain Charita gives an account of his travels to the four pilgrimages of Hindus (Badrinath, Dwarka, Puri and Rameshwaram) and the Himalayas.He visited the Manasarovar lake in current-day Tibet, where tradition holds he had Darshan (sight) of Kakabhushundi, the crow who is one of the four narrators in the Ramcharitmanas.


The Ramcharitmanas
Marriage and Renunciation
Other works
The Vinay patrika
Incarnation of the Valmiki
Protests and Magical Events
How he meet to the Rama
Darshan of Yajnavalkya and Bharadvaja
Nirguna and Saguna Brahman
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