top cancer myths debunked

Top Cancer Myths Debunked

11. Never drink from a plastic water bottle
What about drinking water from a plastic bottle? There has been some concern about chemicalsentering the water when exposed to heat, like in a hot car.According to Cancer Research UK,there is no evidence that this happens. Although harmful chemicals can be released when plastic is burned, it is unclear if these are even present in the plastic used in water bottles.
12. Banish all sugar from your diet
The ony problem with sugar is that it causes weight gain, which in turn puts you at a higher risk for certain cancers, but sugar itself does not directly affect cancer. According to Dr. Kyle Holen at UW Paul P. Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center in Wisconsin, USA, you should not stop eating all sugar.
13. Bye bye soy
Cant live without your soy latte or tofu stirfry? No need to give them up just yet. Though soy contains chemicals similar to estrogen, a hormone that canpromote tumors in breast cells, the 2012 American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Survivorsreports that current research finds no harmful effects to breast cancer survivors from eating soy.
14. Eat blueberries every day
If you enjoy them by all means have them, but keep your expectations realistic. Superfoods like blueberries, green tea, garlic, etc. are great for your health but they do not fight cancer according to a study funded by Cancer Research UK.
15. Take vitamins
Forgot your daily vitamin? Not to worry. Multivitamins were found to have no effect on cardiovascular disease or cancer risk. If multivitamins are beneficial, the effect is too small to detect, according to the Annals of Internal Medicine Journal 2013.