tips to get ready for group discussion

Tips to get ready for Group Discussion

A discussion group is an online forum for individuals to discuss various topics amongst each other.
21. Smile
It might be nerve-wracking but if you appear morose you shan't fare well.Be sure to say goodbye to the interviewers before you leave and send a follow-up letter.
22. Understand
Understand the topic before attempting to contribute.
23. Speak
Try and get a chance to speak. If you can't get a chance to speak make your chance.
24. Initiate
Take the initiative to begin the discussion, if possible.
25. Structure
Structure arguments logically - justify your stand.
26. Summaries
Summaries the discussion effectively
27. Involve
Take active part throughout the GD.
28. Articulate
Work continuously towards articulating your ideas into meaningful sentences to make the best impact. Be clear in your speech.
29. Emphasize
Use non-verbal communication to emphasize points
30. Refresh your knowledge of business and politics
Political ideas and their role in today's government, society and economy (e.g. capitalism, socialism, democracy, bureaucracies) Case studies: mortality rates, per capita income, foreign exchange rates,Economic and political reforms in India Common stock market, business and banking terms,Philosophies and rhetoric Current affairs in India, the Middle East, the world Social issues Effects of globalization