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Generate supportive data

Tips for success in Group Discussions


Generate supportive data

Use facts and illustrations in the Group Discussion (GD) to add value. However, be very sure of the validity of any statistic you quote. If you mention a wrong figure, someone else in the group could point out the mistake. If that doesn't happen, the evaluators might notice the mistake. A fact or a statistic cannot be an argument in itself. It can only support a point you are making. So do not quote a fact and let it land follow it up with some sort of inference or conclusion that can be drawn from it.


Listen carefully to others
Make Sure you Read Widely
Be Aware of Topics that are Repeated
Be alert always
Speak clearly
Acquire and apply knowledge
Be assertive not aggressive
Formal dressing
Speak confidently
Try and Maintain a Balance in your Tone
Interjecting in a discussion with a question
Take care of your dressing as well
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