tips to lose weight

Tips To Lose Weight

41. Eat Real Food
Another common mistake when eating a low carb diet is getting fooled by the creative marketing of special low carb products. Remember: An effective low carb diet for weight loss should be based on real food.
42. Men Avoid Drinking Beer
This applies to women too, but men drink more beer on average. Beer contains rapidly digested carbs that shut down fat burning. Thats why beer is sometimes referred to as liquid bread . Theres a good reason for the term beer belly.
43. Review Any Medications
Many prescription drugs can stall your weight loss. Discuss any change in treatment with your doctor. Here are the worst three Insulin injections, especially at higher doses,are probably the worst obstacle for weight loss. There are three ways to reduce your need for insulin A. Eat less carbs, which makes it a easier to lose weight. The less carbs you eat the less insulin you need. Remember to lower your doses if you can. B. If this isnt enough, treatment with Metformin tablets (at a dose of 2 grams 3 grams/day) can decrease the need for insulin (at least for type 2 diabetics).C. If this is not enough to get off insulin (again, for type 2 diabetics) you could try newer promising drugs like Victoza or Byetta. These reduce the need for insulin and cause weight loss.
44. Supplement vitamins and minerals
Your body needs a certain amount of essential vitamins and minerals to function properly. What happens when you dont get enough of them? What happens when you eat too little food, or when the food you eat isnt sufficiently nutritious? Perhaps our bodies catch on and reply by increasing hunger levels. After all if we eat more, we increase the chances of consuming enough of whatever nutrient we are lacking. On the other hand, reliable access to vitamins and minerals could perhaps mean decreased hunger levels and decreased cravings, thereby promoting weight loss.The above is, of course, speculation. But now there are well performed studies which suggest it might not be far from the truth.
45. Get Your Hormones Checked
So youve followed the previous tips, implemented major lifestyle changes and established that neither medication nor vitamin deficiency is an issue. Youve even tried being in optimal ketosis for a while (ensuring low insulin levels). And you still cant hit the normal weight mark?If this applies to you, its high time to consider the possibility that hormonal imbalances are the cause of your troubles. There are three common problem areas.
46. Exercise smart
Do you wonder why this weight loss tip doesnt show up until number 13 on the list? Its because few things are so overrated for weight loss as exercise is.Have you ever watched The Biggest Loser ? The participants take leave from their jobs (and family) for months. They are allowed only small portions of food, and work out as though it was their full time job 40 hours a week, sometimes more. This method is clearly unsustainable for your average person in the long run.Just taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or getting off the bus one stop earlier, isnt going to change the numbers on your bathroom scales. Its a myth. Sorry about that. Studies show that if you just start exercising, youre going to need at least one hour of tough workouts every single day to noticeably lose weight.
47. Eat less dairy products and nuts
Can one eat as much as one likes, and still lose weight? Yes, it tends to work just fine with a low carbohydrate diet, as appetite regulation happens effortlessly.However, despite the fact that a low carbohydrate diet generally makes it easy to eat just enough, there are foods classified as low carb which become a problem in larger quantities. If you find yourself having a hard time losing weight on a low carb diet, you could try to be more careful with
48. Women Avoid Eating Fruit
This is a tip that goes for men as well, of course, but eating fruit is a more common obstacle for women trying to lose weight. This advice is controversial as fruit has an almost magical health aura today. People may believe that fruit is nutritious but unfortunately fruit contains a lot of sugar around 10% by weight (the rest is mostly water). Just taste an orange or a grape. Sweet, right? Five servings of fruit per day is equivalent to the amount of sugar in 16 ounces of soda (500 ml). Contrary to what many people believe the sugar is more or less identical (about 50% glucose, 50% fructose). Sugar from fruit can shut down fat burning. This can increase your hunger and slow your weight loss. For best results avoid fruit or enjoy it occasionally as a treat.
49. Be Patient
It usually takes years or decades to gain a lot of weight. Trying to lose it all as quickly as possible by starving yourself rarely works well long term, thats just the recipe for yo yo dieting . To succeed you need something that works long term.
50. Get some sun
Recent studies have shown that Vitamin D prevents many types of cancer. Obviously too much sun is bad for you, just as too much of anything is bad for you, but in moderation the sun can be your best friend. In fact, depression has been linked to lack of Vitamin D.