Responsibilities And Duties Of Teachers
Teachers Day
Responsibilities And Duties Of Teachers
Today, the world of teaching has changed drastically. There are newer pedagogies and better technologies that help a teacher work towards making classes entertaining and creative. Children are innovative thinkers who shouldnt be shackled to rote learning. It is important for the teacher to facilitate this creative process of learning instead of simply being just another runofthemill teacher. There are innovative meathod of teaching that are available at hand and one should be curious enough to use them.
The responsibilities and duties of teachers must parallel the needs and the creative minds of children. Some of the most common duties of teachers involve facilitation, enrichment, and mentoring. Teachers also have the added responsibility of understanding the evergrowing and the animated mind of a child. Teachers are expected to demonstrate interpersonal skills with children and their parents. Scroll down to know more about the responsibilities and duties of teachers towards students.