Stress Management Tips
Everyone has stress, because life isn't something we totally control.
71. Measuring stress
Levels of stress can be measured. One way is through the use of psychological testing The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale is used to rate stressful life events, while the DASS contains a scale for stress based on self report items. Changes in blood pressure and galvanic skin response can also be measured to test stress levels, and changes in stress levels. A digital thermometer can be used to evaluate changes in skin temperature, which can indicate activation of the fight or flight response drawing blood away from the extremities. Cortisol is the main hormone released during a stress response and measuring cortisol from hair will give a 60 90 day baseline stress level of an individual. This method of measuring stress is currently the most popular method in the clinic.
72. Acute stress
Acute stress is the most common form of stress among humans worldwide. Acute stress deals with the pressures of the near future or dealing with the very recent past. This type of stress is often misinterpreted for being a negative connotation. While this is the case in some circumstances, it is also a good thing to have some acute stress in life. Running or any other form of exercise is considered an acute stressor. Some exciting or exhilarating experiences such as riding a roller coaster is an acute stress but is usually very fun. Acute stress is a short term stress and in result, does not have enough time to do the damage that long term stress causes.
73. Chronic stress
Chronic stress is unlike acute stress. It has a wearing effect on people that can become a very serious health risk if it continues over a long period of time. Chronic stress can lead to memory loss, damage spacial recognition and produce a decreased drive of eating. The severity varies from person to person and also sex difference can be an underlying factor. Women are able to take longer durations of stress than men without showing the same maladaptive changes. Men can deal with shorter stress duration better than women can but once males hit a certain threshold, the chances of them developing mental issues increases drastically.
74. Avoid stressful situations
When you can, remove yourself from the source of stress. For example, if your family squabbles during the holidays, give yourself a breather and go out for a walk or drive.
75. Change your outlook
Try to develop a more positive attitude toward challenges. You can do this by replacing negative thoughts with more positive ones. For example, rather than thinking, Why does everything always go wrong? change this thought to, I can find a way to get through this. It may seem hard or silly at first, but with practice you may find it helps turn your outlook around.
76. Do something you enjoy
When stress has you down, do something you enjoy to help pick you up. It could be as simple as reading a good book, listening to music, watching a favorite movie, or having dinner with a friend. Or, take up a new hobby or class. Whatever you choose, try to do at least one thing a day that s just for you.
77. Learn new ways to relax
Practicing relaxation techniques is a great way to handle daily stress. Relaxation techniques help slow your heart rate and lower your BLOOD PRESSURE. There are many types, from deep breathing and meditation to yoga and tai chi. Take a class, or try learning from books, videos, or online sources.
78. Connect with loved ones
Don t let stress get in the way of being social. Spending time with family and friends can help you feel better and forget about your stress. Confiding in a friend may also help you work out your problems.
79. Change your emotional response
Managing stress doesnt mean eliminating stressors from your life. It means developing positive strategies for dealing with stress to avoid negative consequences. Think about stress as your reaction to an event, rather than the event itself. This makes it easier to identify healthy ways to manage stress. Even though you cant control some of the stressors in your life, you can control your response to them.
80. Embrace spirituality
Certain tools to reduce stress are tangible, but there is another tool that helps many people manage stress in their lives embracing spirituality. Exploring your spirituality can lead to a clearer life purpose and better stress management skills.
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