start a hobby

Start a Hobby

A hobby is a regular activity done for pleasure e.g. collecting themed items and objects.
91. Hosting board game nights
Rather than go out to watch a movie for $20, invite your friends back to your house, grab some home brew and play Settlers of Catan, Monopoly or Risk.
92. Charting your family history
This can take many years to do properly, and even then, it isnt always possible depending on your background. It would make an amazing present to a grandmother or relative when its complete. There really isnt any limit on how far back you can attempt to go.
93. Get to know someone
Make a friend who is lonely or isolated. It could be a neighbour, or a relative who is in a home. It will make their day every time you go.
94. Listen to music
This could be in the intellectual category too. Music is great and thanks to the internet and services like Spotify, it costs next to nothing.
95. Play with your children
This is pretty obvious but children love playing and their needs arent great. Lets play in a box or kick a rock, Its all good fun and should mean not spending a cent.
96. Play cards
There are thousands of games to play with the humble deck of cards. They are cheap and last for a long time.
97. Host a regular dinner party
If your friends like cooking try to arrange a regular dinner party once a month where each group shares the cooking. Its fun and cheap compared to a restaurant.
98. Play chess
The ultimate game that will improve your mental dexterity. You could spend your whole life getting better at this game.
99. Play a low entry cost sport
Athletics, soccer, swimming, orienteering, touch rugby, disk golf or gymnastics. The list goes on. Its social, good for you and frugal.
100. Host a quiz night
This could be combined with another board games night or a way to raise some money for a charity. Everyone likes a quiz.