pregnancy health care

Pregnancy Health Care

11. Shun your smoking habit
a) It's time to get rid of your habit of smoking. It not only harms your lungs but also affects the foetal growthb.
b) Avoid places that allow smoking as even passive smoking affects the foetus adversely.
12. Take adequate sleep
a) 8 ? 10 hours of sleep is a must in pregnancy.
b) Avoid watching horror movies before sleeping
13. Communication
a) Keep the channel of communication open with your partner.
b) Regularly talk to your practitioner and update him/her on any new developments in your pregnancy
14. Personal Hygiene
a) Living in a clean environment and taking care of your personal hygiene is paramount to having a hassle free pregnancy.
b) While bathing, take care against slipping on wet floor.
c) Take care of your dental hygiene. Complete all dental procedures if any by the 2nd trimester.
15. Stay away from strong smells
a) Avoid using strong smelling insect killers, detergents, solvents and paints as it may expose you to chemicals present in them.
b) A particular smell may irritate you in pregnancy, avoid it.
16. It s time to become a parent
a) Prepare yourself physically and mentally to become a parent.
b) Be happy and know about the healthy behaviour. Discuss them with your doctor and partner. You may attend classes on foetal development, its growth and child birth.
17. Reduce Stress
a) You must avoid any stressful activity during pregnancy. It could be excessive physical activity or any house hold chores.
b) Avoid negative thoughts and feelings.
c) Practice relaxation exercises like closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths.
d) Make a habit of going for a morning walk preferably in a park or a garden.
e) Do light exercise. It's a proven stress buster.
f) Build positivity in your home and surroundings. Meet cheerful people.
g) You may take up some hobby to keep yourself stress free
18. Manage your diet
a) Eating nutrition - rich food is vital in the development of your baby. A balanced diet will keep your pregnancy free of risks and complications.
b) Consumption of protein, calcium, folic acid, iron and vitamins like A, C, E and B in right amounts is mandatory.
c) Eating fruits like apples, pomegranates and seasonal fruits give adequate minerals and vitamins to your body.
d) Fluid intake has to be optimum to prevent dehydration, indigestion or other associated risks.
e) Avoid excess salt, sugar, processed foods and caffeine. Have fresh fruits, salads and green tea instead which is full of anti oxidants.
f) Eat fibre rich food to avoid constipation like freshly made salads and boiled sprouts.
g) Avoid eating from unhygienic places.
19. Staying Healthy
a) Once the pregnancy is tested positive, consult a good practitioner who will appraise you about the different stages of pregnancy
b) Record the medical history of yours and your spouse's family so that if there is a complication, it can be treated immediately