Pregnancy Health Care
1. Know the signs of labour
a) Read about child birth and know the signs of labour.
b) Communicate it to your partner
b) Communicate it to your partner
2. Prepare the nursery or a child s corner in your home
a) Getting a child's corner or a nursery ready at home gives the ?to ? be mom' a great pleasure.
b) Both you and your partner can shop together for the things required for it
b) Both you and your partner can shop together for the things required for it
3. Be careful while taking any medication
a) Inform your practitioner about your pregnancy if you need to take any medication.
b) Many medicines are not allowed during pregnancy so be informed
b) Many medicines are not allowed during pregnancy so be informed
4. Have an alcohol free pregnancy
a) Avoid taking alcohol during pregnancy as it is seen to cause developmental problems in the foetus.
b) If you are addicted, reduce the intake to the minimum
b) If you are addicted, reduce the intake to the minimum
5. Travel guidelines during pregnancy
a) Travel should be avoided during the first trimester as there are chances of a miscarriage or other complications.
b) Travel in the second and third trimester is safe up to 30-32 weeks.
c) Travel after 32-33 weeks becomes dangerous as there might be chances of pre mature labour. Ask your practitioner and travel only if you must.
b) Travel in the second and third trimester is safe up to 30-32 weeks.
c) Travel after 32-33 weeks becomes dangerous as there might be chances of pre mature labour. Ask your practitioner and travel only if you must.
6. Take your parents advice
a) Talk to your parents and take their advice. They are experienced and will advise you correctly.
b) Make them also a part of your pregnancy. Ask for any help and they would be happy to give it. Be grateful to them.
b) Make them also a part of your pregnancy. Ask for any help and they would be happy to give it. Be grateful to them.
7. Your thoughts matter a lot
a) Read a good book during pregnancy.
b) Your thoughts have a great effect on the child growing inside you.
b) Your thoughts have a great effect on the child growing inside you.
8. Babysit your friend s baby
a) You may babysit a friend's baby and learn a few tips from her. Playing with a baby is known to be a great stress buster.
9. Make a birth plan ready
a) Keep your registration card and all your reports handy in case of emergency
b) Keep a birth plan ready before the arrival of the baby.
c) Keep the cameras, picture albums handy
b) Keep a birth plan ready before the arrival of the baby.
c) Keep the cameras, picture albums handy
10. Adequate Physical Exercise
a) Light floor exercise during pregnancy helps you maintain your weight.
b) Pelvic exercises strengthen your pelvic muscles which help in the smooth delivery of the baby.
b) Pelvic exercises strengthen your pelvic muscles which help in the smooth delivery of the baby.
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