Use backdrops creatively
Portrait Photography tips for Beginners
Use backdrops creatively
Studio backdrops (you know, the splotchy colored ones that look like they were tie dyed by a two year old) generally make for a pretty dull portrait, but there is a way to fix it! The reason the textured background looks boring is because it is evenly lit. Remember, light is EVERYTHING! By turning the backdrop so it is at an angle to the camera, part of it will fall into shadow while the other side will remain brighter. This contrast makes the backdrop look ten times more interesting. You can do the same thing with a white background. The side closer to the camera will be white, and the back side will look dark gray because it won t catch the light as much. This gradient can be a really creative background.
Spot metering is your friend
De focus the subject
Soften your on camera flash
Let that shutter rip to get great expressions
Get a proper system in place for your memory cards
Quit sharpening blindly
Compose and then focus rather than focusing and re composing
Never allow the model to wait on you
When shooting group portraits try to get the heads uneven
Learn the lingo when working with models
Set your picture style to portrait even if shooting in RAW
Superglue your camera to your hand
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