myth about adoption

Myth about Adoption

Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting of another, usually a child.
21. Adoptive parents are saintly for adopting
Adoptive parents are always hearing how great they are for having adopted People always mean well when they say this, but the fact is, most adoptive parents adopted because they wanted to be parents Not because they are special saints This also sometimes sounds to adoptive parents like their children are somehow less lovable, and therefore, loving them is a heroic act Adopted parents just love their kids like other parents love theirs It doesn t require any special effort!
22. Adoption is the opposite of abortion As long as we have one we don t need the other
Adoption is one option in a society with reproductive freedom Adoption requires motherhood of a woman both throughout a pregnancy and delivery and throughout the rest of her life even if she never sees her child again after birth For a woman in a crisis pregnancy who doesn t want to be a mother, abortion is an important option For a woman who doesn t personally feel comfortable with abortion, but neither feels ready or able to raise a child, adoption is an important option
23. Only married people can adopt
Adoption is meant to combine people with children and make them a complete family To many people the term complete family does not mean marriage Married people often adopt, of course, but there are no legal restrictions on whether or not you have to be married to adopt a child Same sex couples still cannot legally marry in many states, which is a common concern in terms of adoption; however, if you are capable of raising a child, you can adopt The same rule goes for single people looking to adopt
24. Adopted children have more psychological problems than biological children
Adopted children do well in life A research study showed that 50% of adopted youth said they were as happy as their peers while 38% rated themselves as happier In another research study, adopted adolescents scored positively in self esteem and self identity In yet another study, adopted adolescents scored higher on characteristics of well being and lower on characteristics of high risk behavior when compared to their peers
25. Adopted children are more likely to be troubled than birth children
Research shows that adoptees are as well adjusted as their non adopted peers There is virtually no difference in psychological functioning between them Numerous studies have been done on adopted children and found that they saw themselves as strong as their peers in personal identity and self esteem Support from family and friends and availability of counseling services
26. Open adoption causes problems for children
Adoptees are not confused by contact with their birthparents In reality, adoptees benefit from the increased understanding that their birthparents gave them life but their forever families take care of and nurture them
27. You should wait to tell your child that he or she is adopted until he or she is old enough to understand
The child will grow up knowing that his family was created by adoption and understanding that his or her birth mother selflessly planned a wonderful future for her child The child will be grateful for the birth parents choice of adoption
28. A child doesn t really need a father
Children benefit from having positive, nurturing parents who can provide both positive male and female influences Two parent families where fathers take their responsibilities seriously and parents support each other can be vital to a healthy childhood and strong family
29. As soon as you adopt you ll get pregnant
Adoption does not guarantee or ensure pregnancy, and it should not be used as a means to try and get pregnant Pregnancy is a biological process, and a couple can not determine if and when they will become pregnant
30. Is adoption only for people without children
No Some families will have older children, at least two years older than the age of the child they wish to adopt Others have no children Many of our adopters have birth children, adopted children and step children already Some are already permanently caring for a child not related to them