Ideas to increase Website Traffic
101 ways which help you to get more traffic website using social media .
31. Newsletter Signature Page
Make sure to include your Social Media links at the bottom of each newsletter. In the newsletter you should include Facebook, Twitter, Google+ profile and links to your website.
32. Sponsor
Sponsor a league team to drive traffic to your website.
33. Twitter Bio
Make sure to add your website link to your Twitter Bio. This will help drive additional traffic to your website.
34. LinkedIn Group
Create a LinkedIn Group and use this list to build your business.
35. LinkedIn Bio
Many people join LinkedIn and forget to fill out the Bio. Include your website URL in the bio.
36. Sync Linkedin
Connecting your WordPress blog and your LinkedIn account syncs your blog posts with your LinkedIn profile.
37. Bookmark
Bookmarking your post is a great way for people to save links to your website to share with friends or receive repeated customers.
38. Blog Content
Your blog or website should be updated at least 4 times per week or daily. Your content should connect with people and encourage them to engage.
39. Scribd
Scribd is the world largest digital document library. Your able to published original writings and documents. The post will need to be covered to Adobe PDFs files.
40. Forum Group
Insert a forum into your website. You can embed a group into your website by using IFrame and specifying the groups URL.
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