greatest female in video game history

Greatest Female In Video Game History

some of the greatest and most popular female video game characters
21. Jill Valentine
There are a lot of female characters in the Resident Evil series, but most of them are idiots. Thats not a knock against them most of the male characters in Resident Evil are idiots, too. But Jill stands out as the most likable, maybe because she was the original. Her evolution throughout the series has made the most sense, as well. Except when she went blonde, but thats hardly the worst thing about RE 5 in any case.
22. Chell
Wed love to put Chell higher on the list, but lets be honest what does she actually do? Were boggled when Gordon Freeman gets stuck at the top of best character lists, too. She doesnt say anything throughout either Portal game, but hey, at least shes not objectified at all, either.
23. Hana
Hana is another badass female mercenary who uses her assets to her advantage, and we dont really have a problem with that. The fact that shes an openly gay protagonist makes her even more of a badass, even if that relationship is somewhat sexualized for a male audience.
24. Sam
Sam goes down in history as the only video game protagonist we know of whos a bonafide magician. And in the Vegas sense, too, not the Final Fantasy type.
25. Meryl Silverburgh
Sure, Meryl needs rescuing once in a while. But shes the real deal, too a career soldier, like Snake, and shes been with him through various parts of his various journeys. Thats about as much sense as we can make of the Metal Gear Solid plot.
26. Shanoa
Shanoa is the leader of the DS Castlevania games eponymous Order of Ecclesia, the group that steps up to defeat Dracula when the Belmonts are nowhere to be seen. And thats no easy task. It probably helps that certain story events have wiped away all her memories and emotions.
27. Shantae
Shantae is the star of her own platforming series, which began on the Game Boy Color of all places. There arent many existing franchises that began on that particular portable platform, but theres just something about the halfgenie girl shes even got a new game coming out on 3DS soon.
28. Chris Lightfellow
Despite any overexcited village children Chris may or may not semiaccidentally murder over the course of Suikoden 3, weve still got a lot of respect for her tough love approach to leadership. The love part is in the hug.
29. Peach
BUT PEACH IS A DAMSEL RAAAWWWR We can hear you angrily yelling now. But seriously, calm down. The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom has proved to be just as capable a heroine as Mario and (to a much lesser extent) Luigi are heroes. Check out Super Princess Peach on DS if you havent yet. And sorry for the dig, Luigi, but we call em like we seem em.
30. Yuna
Final Fantasy X was, at the time, the only game in the series to receive a direct sequel, in the form of Final Fantasy X2. Some saw it as overkill, but we were okay with it, since it gave us another excuse to step into the supple boots of the capable summoner Yuna.