famous logos that have a hidden message

Famous Logos That Have A Hidden Message

Famous Logos That Have A Hidden Message
21. The Bronx Zoo
Look closely at the giraffes legs. You ll see the animals are within a big city!
22. Coca Cola
Look closely at the o. Do you notice anything? No? Don t worry because most people wouldn t notice it. It s actually the Denmark flag. This wasn t always the original intention. Coca Cola discovered that part of its logo looks like the Danish flag, which has been named the happiest country on earth. Once they discovered that, they set up a media stunt in Denmark s biggest airport, where they welcome people with flags. Still can t see the flag? Here you go:
23. FedEx
The FedEx logo is a creative one! At first glance all you can really notice are the two different colors, but if you look closely you can see an arrow is created between the spaces of the letter E and X , representing the company s forward thinking ways and outlook towards the future.
24. Presbyterian Church
Religion is rife with symbolism, so would you be surprised to learn that the Presbyterian church logo has EIGHT hidden symbols in it? How many can you find?
25. Eighty20
Figured it out yet? The blue represents ones while the grey squares represents zeroes. The top line reads: 1010000, which is 80 in binary. The bottom reads: 0010100, which is...20!
26. LG
No, the Pac Man reference is not confirmed, but it s cool to look at anyways. There is hidden meaning in the LG logo, though. Everyone knows the face, but its position, as well as the L and G, inside the circle that matters. According to LG, this centers humanity above all else. The circle itself symbolizes the world, future, youth, humanity, and technology while the red represents friendliness. (Hint: a lot of companies use red for this very reason, as it seems to attract consumers a lot.)
27. Adidas
Ever notice that Adidas symbol looks like a mountain? Well, that s exactly what it s supposed to mean. The three stripes, which was part of the original logo in 1967, never really meant anything. It was just supposed to be unique. In the 90s, though, they slanted the stripes so that it would represent a mountain, which stands for the obstacles people need to overcome.
28. Haagen Dazs
This is actually one of the only things on this list without a hidden meaning, but I had to add it simply for the fact that it blew my mind when I found out. Ever wonder what H
29. NBC
Yeah, it s a peacock, but did you ever wonder why it has so many colors? That s because, during the 50s, NBC s owner was RCA and they had just begun to manufacture color televisions. Since RCA wanted people still watching on black and white TV to know what they were missing, NBC created a colorful logo to adapt to the new technology.
30. Audi
Four hoops...plain and simple, right? Well, wrong. In fact, each of these hoops represent the 4 founding companies of the Auto Union Consortium way back in 1932: like DKW, Horch, Wanderer and Audi.