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Hot Tubs and Swimming Pools

Common Household Items That Could Kill You


Hot Tubs and Swimming Pools

It s where you go to zen out and sneak some quiet time from the kids...and it s completely safe because of the chlorine. Right? Uhhh, not so fast. While you may think you have a squeaky clean pool, cryptosporidium a chlorine resistant parasite might be hanging out. A report in?Medical News Today?found the number in pools and hot tubs is increasing, and there were over a thousand cases of illness, hundreds of hospitalizations, and one death reported just in 2011 2012. Swimmers with diarrhea or a leaking bladder are the usual cause because the parasite lives and multiplies in your gut, according to?Slate. It enters the water when you have an, err, bathroom issue, someone else ingests it (all those times you accidentally swallowed water), then they excrete it, and the cycle continues. In other words, if you have any bathroom issues going on, keep everyone safe and stay out of the water.


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