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Papaya seeds cure for piles and thyphoid fever

Benefits of Papayas


Papaya seeds cure for piles and thyphoid fever

Consuming papaya seeds to cure pile problems. They blend the seeds together with the flesh, add a bit of water, and drink the mixture. It is actually very pungent and very unpalatable . What my friend does is he takes a deep breath and gulp in the mixture while breathing out.. He does this for about 5 gulps for each session. I tried this treatment for a few weeks but not working for me, unfortunately. But as I wrote in many of my articles, not every remedy will cure everyone, not even the approved medical treatments.


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Helps in weight loss
Papaya Seeds Worms and Other Parasitic Infections
InDepth Nutritional Profile
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Intestinal Worms and Papaya
Anti ageing and Papaya
Protection against Macular Degeneration
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