benefits of lactuca

Benefits of Lactuca

41. Constipation
Thanks to its high fiber content, lettuce and its juice can help stimulate the function and motility of the intestinal tract, relieve constipation and cleanse the colon. Just as vitamin A helps to accomplish other things in the body, so too does it help to prevent cancer. Fruits and vegetables which house large amounts of vitamin A are well known for their ability to retard the growth of certain cancers, as well as to lower the risk of lung and oral cavity cancers.
42. Cough
Lettuce juice contains anticough agents, which can help relieve irritable cough, as well as the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. One of the carotenoids which is found in leafy lettuce, carotene, is absorbed in a selective way by the macular lutea. It is thought to achieve some level of light filtration or protection which as of yet is not pinpointed. What is known is that people who eat a diet rich in those fruits and vegetables can have much fewer incidence of macular and degenerative eye diseases as they age.
43. Hydration
Lettuce juice is an excellent source of hydration at the cellular level. They are refreshing, thirstquenching and help rehydrates our cells and releasing toxins and harmful fats from our congested cells. In addition to all of these benefits which can be taken from green leaf lettuce, it also helps your body to get enough fiber, protection from colon problems and keeping you regular. This means youll have fewer digestive problems. Lettuce is heart healthy, promoting lower weight and better nutrition.
44. Purifying
The purifying effect of lettuce is the result of the combined actions of antioxidants (which help neutralize harmful substances accumulate in the body), potassium (which promotes diuresis, thereby helping eliminate toxins from the body) and fiber (which helps cleanse the colon).
45. Sedation
Lettuce latex has been used for centuries by physicians as a substitute for opium, due to its natural sedative and painkilling properties. Today its medicinal use is limited to treat sleep disorders, nervous excitability, anxiety and restlessness, especially in children and elderly persons. Drink a glass of lettuce and
46. Sexual health
This is still a subject of debate. It is known that the opiumlike substances found in lettuce latex can be used to cool sexual appetite. However, some researches have observed that lettuce milk also contains prosexual substances, that can help fight impotence when taken in large doses. Whether this is true or not, one thing is sure: drinking a lettuce juice cant do much harm in this sense!
47. Consumption Tips
Lettuce can be used raw or cooked
48. Caution
Lettuce is a very safe vegetable and has no adverse reaction reported so far. There is only one condition in which large quantities of lettuce are contraindicated: For patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy with vitamin K antagonists (such as warfarin). The high amount of vitamin K, may interfere with the therapy, possibly leading to blood clots formation (thrombosis) and related complications. So be aware if youre on such medication.
49. Lettuce contain moisture
50. AntiInflammatory Properties
Lettuce possesses antiinflammatory properties that help in controlling inflammation. In experimental models,lettuce