The Garlic
1. Garlic is a commonly used flavoring agent and food product. Garlic is also available as an herbal supplement. The information contained in this leaflet refers to the use of garlic as an herbal supplement. When used as a food product, the benefits and potential side effects of garlic may be less pronounced than when it is used as an herbal supplement. .....

The use of garlic
2. The use of garlic in cultural and traditional settings may differ from concepts accepted by current Western medicine. When considering the use of herbal supplements, consultation with a primary health care professional is advisable. Additionally, consultation with a practitioner trained in the uses of herbal/health supplements may be beneficial, and coordination of treatment among all health care providers involved may be advantageous. .....

Garlic is an herb
3. It is best known as a flavoring for food. But over the years, garlic has been used as a medicine to prevent or treat a wide range of diseases and conditions .....

The Healing Power of Garlic
4. Garlic is as effective as many modern antibiotics, without the dangerous side effects. What's more, garlic is an antiviral. Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses. In fact, in all of modern pharmacology, there are no effective antiviral drugs. This has important implications for AIDS patients, and in preventing colds and flu's. .....

Fight Parasites and Viral Infections
5. Garlic works like a broad-spectrum antibiotic against bacteria, virus, and protozoa in the body. .....

Antibacterial and Antiviral
6. Garlic is most well-known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. They help control bacterial, viral, fungal, yeast and worm infections. Fresh garlic is thought to play a role in preventing food poisoning by killing bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella enteritidis, etc. .....

Protect heart
7. Garlic protects our heart against cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and atherosclerosis. .....

Remedy for respiratory problems
8. Daily use of garlic might reduce the frequency and number of colds. Its antibacterial properties help in treating throat irritations.Its benefits in disorders of the lungs like asthma, difficulty of breathing, etc. .....

cold and flu
9. take small amount of garlic every day until the infection disappears. Garlic tends to reduce the frequency of colds and flu without any side effects. .....

Cancer prevention
10. Daily intake of garlic has been found to lower risk of most types of cancer. .....

Effective in Peptic ulcer
11. Also effective against the bacterial stomach parasite which causes peptic ulcers. .....

Avoid Insect Bites
12. People who eat garlic tend to get fewer bites from insects like ticks, according to research. It also likely applies to mosquitoes as well. .....

Lung cancer risk
13. People who ate raw garlic at least twice a week had a 44% lower risk of developing lung cancer. .....

Reduces Arthritis Pain
14. Garlic has also been shown to reduce pain and other symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Ground garlic mixed with hot aloe lotion calms and eases pain in inflamed and aching joints due to rheumatism. .....

Reduce cholesterol
15. Garlic has the ability to moderately lower our blood triglycerides and total cholesterol and reduce arterial plaque formation. .....

Reduces Weight
16. Regular consumption of raw garlic or garlic supplements can help you maintain a healthy body weight. .....

17. Garlic increases insulin release and regulates blood sugar levels in diabetics. .....

Reduce blood pressure
18. Allicin in garlic blocks the activity of angiotensin II and helps in reducing blood pressure. The polysulphides present in garlic are converted into a gas called hydrogen sulphide by the red blood cells. Hydrogen sulphide dilates our blood vessels and helps control blood pressure. .....

Grow beautiful hair with garlic
19. Garlic could end your hair loss problems because of its high levels of allicin, a sulfur compound similar to that found in onions, which were found to effectively treat hair loss. .....

Health Benefits of Garlic
20. The health benefits of garlic revolve around its anti-microbial effect that efficiently combats bacteria, fungi, intestinal parasites, viruses, yeast, etc. .....

Garlic clears acne
21. garlic makes a great natural remedy to banish unsightly blemishes. Its antioxidants kill bacteria, so rub a sliced clove of garlic on the pimple for an effective topical treatment. .....

Garlic prevents and treats colds
22. If a cold does sneak by, try sipping garlic tea: steep chopped or minced garlic in hot water for several minutes, then strain and drink. .....

Effective against warts and corns
23. Applying fat dissolving garlic extracts to corns on the feet and warts on the hands is thought to improve these conditions. .....

Improve iron metabolism
24. Ferroportin is a protein which helps in iron absorption and release. Diallyl sulphides in garlic increase production of ferroportin and help improve iron metabolism. .....

25. Simply put some crushed garlic clove directly on the affected tooth can help relieve toothaches due to its antibacterial and analgesic properties. But be aware that it can be irritating to the gum. .....

To treat skin infections
26. The chemical ajoene found in garlic may help treat fungal skin infections like ringworm and athletes foot.

Treat athletes foot with garlic
27. With its anti-fungal properties, garlic could be a good way to get rid of itchy athlete's foot. Soak your feet in a bath of warm water and crushed garlic. .....

Garlic conquers cold sores
28. its natural anti-inflammatory properties could help reduce pain and swelling. .....

Catch more fish with garlic
29. Fish are so attracted to the scent of garlic that you can buy bait with the smell built in. .....

Garlic Nutritional Profile
30. garlic is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin B6. It is also a very good source of vitamin C and copper. Garlic is an excellent source of vitamins A, B-complex and C. In addition, garlic is a good source of selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, and calcium. It provides a good supply of minerals like manganese, phosphorus, calcium, copper, potassium, iron and copper. .....

best garlic recipes
31. Garlic ? whether pickled or pureed, baked or boiled ? is the cornerstone of cuisines the world over, featuring in everything from Spanish soups to quince aioli

32. Small amounts of garlic taken can help relieve gas in the stomach. .....

The Benefits of Raw Garlic
33. garlic has been used for its natural antibiotic, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Eating raw garlic rather than supplements, dried or cooked garlic has been shown to be significantly more advantageous for health.

Garlic Supplements
34. Garlic makes a wonderful health supplement for many people but the so-called "garlic cure" is no substitute for the basics: sensible eating and appropriate exercise. Garlic should be seen as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Side effects of garlic
35. If you are eating raw garlic or drinkingfresh garlic juice, you are going to get garlic breath and people around might start complaining that your breath stinks. .....

Garlic Herbed Chicken
36. rispy and delicious as this one will be. Remember to crush the .....

Easy to Grow
37. Garlic is easy to grow and produces numerous bulbs after a long growing season. It is frost tolerant. Beyond its intense flavor and culinary uses, the stinking rose .....

38. To grow garlic, you plant the?cloves, the sections of the?bulb; each clove will produce a new bulb. The largest cloves generally yield the biggest bulbs .....

Combat allergies
39. Garlic is known to have anti-inflammatory property. It can help the body fight against allergies. The anti-arthritic property of garlic is due to diallyl sulphide and thiacremonone. .....

Stir up passions
40. Garlics aphrodisiac property is due to its ability to increase the circulation. .....

As Treatment for Acne
41. It has blood cleansing and antibiotic properties that can be effective against acne and other skin ailments. Some people say that you can get rid of persistent pimples by rubbing raw garlic cloves on your face. .....

As Mosquito Repellent
42. The notion that vampires are afraid of garlic may have come from the fact that mosquitoes are repelled by garlic. .....

As Protection for Your Pets
43. Garlic not only repels mosquitoes, but it also repels ticks, fleas and other parasites. Some brands of pet food contain dehydrated garlic to repel parasites that feed on pets. .....

As Garden Pesticide
44. Many commercial pesticides are harmful to the environment. Garlic though is all-natural but it can be as effective as any of these commercial variants. .....

As Antibiotic
45. Crushed raw garlic is a powerful antibiotic that can kill strains of staph bacteria. Gently apply the garlic on the wound to prevent it from getting infected. .....

As Fish Bait
46. Use the marshmallows as bait, and toss them into the water. You can catch bass, trout, and other kinds of fish this way. .....

As Glue
47. Garlic glue can be made by rubbing garlic juices on paper or glass. Adhesives made of garlic have been used to repair glass in China. .....

As Cosmetics
48. You can also create homemade cosmetics from garlic. For example, you can concoct a face cleanser by mixing garlic and lemon extracts with water, .....

As Cough Syrup
49. Garlics antibacterial properties are so potent, it can even help treat your sore throat if you have the flu. It can also ease your cough and help you recover faster. .....

As Aphrodisiac
50. the potency of garlic as an aphrodisiac has been confirmed by Aristotle and ancient Indian writings. .....

51. Some people use garlic to prevent colon cancer, rectal cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. It is also used to treat prostate cancer and bladder cancer. .....

Breast cancer
52. Taking garlic does not seem to reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. .....

Lung cancer
53. Taking garlic does not seem to reduce the risk of getting lung cancer. .....

Prostate cancer
54. Men in China who eat about a clove of garlic daily seem to have a 50% lower risk of developing prostate cancer. .....

healthy treatment
55. it include treatment of fever, coughs, headache, stomach ache, sinus congestion, gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, asthma, bronchitis, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, high blood sugar, and snakebites. It is also used for fighting stress and fatigue, and maintaining healthy liver function. .....

skin to treat
56. Some people apply garlic oil to their skin to treat fungal infections, warts, and corns. There is some evidence supporting the topical use of garlic for fungal infections like ringworm, jock itch, and athlete .....

Hardening of the arteries
57. their arteries tend to lose their ability to stretch and flex with age. Garlic seems to reduce this effect. .....

Tick bites
58. Scientists have compared the number of tick bites in people who take high doses of garlic compared to people who do not take garlic. High doses of dietary garlic, over about a five-month period, seem to reduce the number of tick bites .....

Fungal infections of the skin
59. A garlic gel with a higher concentration of ajoene (1%) is needed to be effective against athlete .....

Leg pain
60. Help to Leg pain when walking due to poor blood circulation in the legs. .....

Benign prostatic hyperplasia
61. There is some preliminary evidence that taking garlic by mouth might be helpful for improving urinary flow, decreasing urinary frequency, and other symptoms associated with BPH .....

62. One particular garlic extract that dissolves in fat has an effect after 10-20 days of treatment, but a water soluble extract can take up to two months to show improvement. .....

High blood pressure in pregnancy
63. Some preliminary clinical evidence suggests that taking a specific garlic extract (Garlet) 800 mg/day during the third trimester of pregnancy does not reduce the risk of developing pre-eclampsia in high-risk women. .....

64. Preliminary evidence suggests that applying a specific fat soluble garlic to warts on the hands twice daily removes warts within 1-2 weeks. A water-soluble garlic extract also seems to provide modest improvement, but only after 30-40 days of treatment. .....

65. Garlic is .....

Bleeding disorder
66. Garlic, especially fresh garlic, might increase bleeding. .....

Stomach or digestion problems
67. Garlic can irritate the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Use with caution if you have stomach or digestion problems. .....

68. Garlic might prolong bleeding. Stop taking garlic at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery. .....

Anti ageing and pore minimization
69. Garlic beauty benefits also include the aid for anti aging. The strong anti-oxidants present in garlic help in reducing the free radical build up in the skin thus keeping it firm and youthful. .....

skin protective
70. Garlic also contains a large number of skin-protective polyphenols. Just crush some garlic pods and add the juice into your regular face masks for added goodness and preventing premature aging. .....

Stretch mark removal
71. There are not many things that you can do to prevent stretch marks from appearing but garlic can definitely help you in getting rid of them. Stretch marks are known to reduce and vanish if you use garlic. .....

Garlic benefits for Hair
72. garlic helps in increasing blood circulation in the scalp which in turn reduces hair fall and helps in stimulating hair growth. .....

Garlic benefits for nails
73. The benefits of garlic are not only restricted to skin and hair. Garlic can also help you in getting rid of dull and brittle nails. .....

Other health benefits of garlic
74. It is a very strong anti-oxidant and thus too much exposure to it might leave you with blisters and rashes. It is always advisable to do a patch test to make sure that garlic doesn .....

source of the mineral selenium
75. Garlic also is a source of the mineral selenium, which is said to fight cancer. Selenium works with vitamin E to boost antioxidant power and prevent or slow the signs of aging - See more at: http://www.cosmeticsandtoiletries.com/formulating/function/antimicrobial/41568362.html#sthash.6k8FbOx2.dpuf .....

Use Garlic For Home Chemical Peels For Face
76. Chemical peels can help to dry up pimples and unclog the pores which cause breakouts. .....

To take a Garlic bath
77. Garlic, it seems, is a natural exfoliant and your skin will feel great. I washed my entire body down with the garlic water, soaked in it, and even washed my hair in it. .....

Ear Ache
78. Putting two or three drops of warm garlic oil in the ears really helps. .....

WhoopingCough Garlic
79. WhoopingCough Garlicis an excellent remedy for whooping cough. Syrup of garlic given in doses of five drops to a teaspoonful two or three times a day helps.Give it more often if the coughing spells are frequent and violent. .....

Raw garlic
80. Raw garlic is used in preparing garlic powder, garlic vinegar, photato wafers and even garlic bread loaf. .....

Medical Uses for Garlic
81. Garlic is classified as both a food and medicinal herb. It can and should be eaten as food, but it can also be taken in supplement form to augment a healthy diet when more serious health problems arise. .....

82. Garlic is safe, but it makes the breath and sweat smell rather unpleasant. If it doesn't make you odiferous, then it wasn't very useful, since the smell indicates the presence of the healing properties. .....

Reduce pain
83. Garlic has also been shown to reduce pain and other symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis. .....

Preparation and Dosage
84. fresh garlic or preparations that mimic it need to be used. Dried or cooked garlic, as well as garlic oil, lose a significant amount of potency during processing (though they aren't worthless and are still beneficial to eat as food). .....

85. Store garlic in a cool, dark, dry place with good air circulation. .....

String of garlic
86. Garlic is widely used around the world for its pungent flavor as a seasoning or condiment. .....

Xanthoma treatment
87. Apply .....

88. Rub the mixture into the skin; it transfers raw garlic oil directly into the bloodstream. .....

Medicinal Qualities of Ginger
89. There are many medicinal qualities found in the herb Ginger, .....

inger is an antispasmodic
90. This is very helpful when one has an upset stomach and has been vomiting. .....

Home Remedies using Ginger
91. Ginger has many uses in the home remedies department and can be used to help arthritis, diarrhea, flu, headache, heart and menstrual problems, diabetes, stomach upset and motion sickness. .....

Muscle Strains
92. Apply warm ginger paste with turmeric to the affected area twice a day. .....

93. Dilute a paste of ginger powder, about 1/2 a teaspoon, with water and apply to you forehead. .....

Ginger Compress
94. Dip a towel into the ginger water and wring it out. Apply very hot to the affected area. .....

Ginger Tea
95. Make with fresh ginger root. Grate a small piece of ginger, about the size of a nickel, into a mug. Add the juice of a half a lemon. Fill the mug with boiling water. Stir in a teaspoon of organic honey. .....

For relief of nausea
96. Ginger is generally taken in doses of 200 mg every 4 hours. .....

For relief of flatulence
97. Ginger is generally taken in doses of 250 to 500 mg 2 to 3 times a day. .....

Growing Ginger at Home
98. Ginger is very easy to grow and can be grown indoors or outside in pots filled with potting mix, allow enough room in the pots, about 10 to 12 inches deep, for the actual ginger roots to form. .....

Ginger Good for You
99. Chinese medicine has recommended the use of ginger to help cure and prevent several health problems. It is known to promote energy circulation in the body while positively increasing the body's metabolic rate. .....