benefits of custard apple

Benefits of Custard Apple

31. Prevents Premature Labor
Custard apple is an excellent source of copper. It is a trace mineral which helps the body to form hemoglobin. Pregnant women need 1000 micrograms of copper each day for proper development of the fetus. Low levels of copper in the body can lead to premature birth in the child. Consuming custard apple during pregnancy is very healthy.
32. Good For Fetal Brain Development
Regular consumption of custard apple is also good for the growth of the baby. It also helps in the development of the brain of the fetus. The paste of the flesh of the fruit can be used for local application on ulcers, abscesses and boils.
33. Excellent Source Of Iron
Custard apple is a rich source of iron, which reduces the risk of premature birth of the baby. It reduces the extent of labor pain in expectant women. It is also known to increase the milk production in pregnant and lactating women.
34. Keeps Infections At Bay
Custard apple contains high amounts of antioxidants, which keeps infection at bay. Potassium and Vitamin B6 are also present in custard apple. Custard apple serves as an expectorant, stimulant, coolant and haematinic and is even useful in treating anemia.
35. Natural Antidote For Morning Sickness
It also cures morning sickness in pregnant women. It fights nausea, numbness, food cravings and mood swings during pregnancy. Custard apple is believed to be a good alternative to milk. Therefore, it is a perfect choice for pregnant women who are allergic to dairy products.
36. Good For Skin Rejuvenation
Custard apple is not only a delicious fruit, but is excellent for the skin as well. It contains nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, antioxidants, which are required for rejuvenating the skinands health. Custard apples contain Vitamin A, which keeps your skin and hair healthy.
37. Naturally Heals The Skin Infections
The paste of custard apple is used to treat ulcer, abscesses, and boils. Vitamin C in custard apple helps in the healing of wounds and forming cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Consuming custard apple juice on a regular basis stimulates the development of new cells in the layers of the skin.
38. Delays Ageing And Keeps Skin Youthful
The antioxidants in custard apple neutralize free radicals, hastening the process of regeneration. It helps to delay the signs of ageing like age spots and blemishes. The antioxidants fight the harsh rays of the sun, protecting from sun damage. Consumption of custard apple helps in the regeneration of skin cells and contributes in making the skin youthful.
39. Lowers Pigmentation Problems
Custard apple decreases the clustering of melanin granules, reducing brown spots and pigmentation. It also helps to reverse the pigmentation caused due to the free radicals. The juice of unripe custard apple is useful for treating insect bites.
40. Eases Rosacea Symptoms
The high levels of iron in custard apple increase blood circulation, reducing the symptoms of rosacea. Custard apple contains vital nutrients like iron, magnesium, vitamin A and phosphorus, which can benefit the hair in multiple ways.